Jonathan R.

Um, yes, actually, as a matter of fact it did.

It remains to be seen whether the new 3DS will make significant use of the new processor though. Most developers probably aren't going to choose to make new 3DS exclusives since their audience will naturally be split by that, and really the new 3DS doesn't bring much to the table. The processor is slightly better, but

The DSi also had a faster processor and games that weren't compatible with the original DS. It speaks at exactly that volume.

There were DSi exclusive games too.

So this is what we mean by super now...

It's not better enough to be Super. And the button layout is probably the most superficial part of the changes. Heck, they already had an analog stick attachment, what's two more buttons?

Of all the things from Japan to end up becoming cultural exports, Hello Kitty is the only one I didn't understand on at least some basic level. There's no cartoons really backing it, it isn't really a single tangible product, it has no story, it's just... a crude piece of artwork that gets thrown on things. It's

It's not a successor to the 3DS. It's a step between the 3DS and what will be the 3DS's real successor much like the DSi.

Most failures in a car can be easily traced to a single hardware component. Problems in software... not so much.

short and white vs tall and black is a less stark difference than gerbil person vs human suffering from extreme dwarfism and an extreme nose-hair mustache IMO.

Neat case. I'm personally not into collecting that sort of thing just because I always just keep my games on a shelf for DVDs anyway (alphabetically ordered and sorted by console of course)... but I definitely appreciate the effort.

Fly me to the moon again.

Cool, now they just need to figure out what the fuck yordles are.

Make it easier to plug in so that I don't have to wrap wires around the terminals (plus one of them tends to be kind of flat... I'd have to like... solder the wire to it)? Good point though.

Check Their Social Media Footprint - These days almost all of us live our lives online. Damn near everybody has Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, Tumblrs, Twitter handles, Spotify accounts and other digital ephemera. If you have doubts about your online friend's validity, start strolling through their social media

Yes, I'm aware that it's missing a hell of a lot of standard features and that irritates me, but I'm also aware that there are plenty of other games that don't have any of those features and are still good. Yeah, they can't be directly compared like a direct sequel can be, but if the game has enough new stuff in it to

A troll after my own heart.

Good deal then. I'll await it with great antici...

Make it red and green so that they can confuse people into thinking they have color blindness. When the forum mods are asked on it, they can be all 'uhhhh what are you talking about? Screenshots please?' and 'What do you mean that's not red?'

Actually, one of the problems with anti-piracy tricks of this nature is that they do have the occasional tendency to produce false positives: IE - the game will run in pirated mode when the copy was legit. This was a much larger problem back when everyone had to actually buy CD rom drives and such though. Stuff is a