Jonathan R.

Maaaan... every time I tried to do anything free-style in parappa the rapper, my score started dwindling faster the you can say 'you rappin' awful'.

Now playing

We have already had perfectly serviceable rap games with controls and scoring systems as completely incomprehensible as their rapping

Yeah, that's exactly where I'm coming from. This seems like a high asking price for a somewhat fragile looking clamp with a long handle.

Only two benjamins so that I can kludge together any half-assed hipster table I want? Holy crap, what a deal.

Any minecraft circuitry experiment to make things like hard drives and computers basically boils down to the following:

Well no, not new, I guess I just put a little too much faith in them to use proper terminology.

Hey man, you been to Walmart lately? They sell lots of useful things.

Star Ocean 2 kinda sucks.

Claude's air slash was ok... but if you really want to spam air slash you have to play as Dias.

Well, I used to be a hobbyist 3D modeler (still am on occasion) and back when I was an engineering intern for the government, I did a lot of CAD work. So you aren't off base. In truth I'm a software engineer though.

Looks like just another extruded quadrilateral to me, just you know... with a parallelogram profile instead of a full on rectangular prism.

Anyone who divulges any kind of secret they don't want people knowing about to a secret propagating application on the Internet has already gone full retard anyway, so I don't see why things like this matter.

3. K-On! 666 votes

I guess just some anonymous people at SEGA. I don't really get why you are acting all offended at the simple musing of a probable source of inspiration for a comment that I can only assume you wanted me to respond to with 'huh?' in the first place.

Welcome to the world of commenting. Most of what everyone bothers to say on things is either neutral or negative except for the odd thing here and there that makes you go 'oh, that's neat' and then move on with your life. Think for a minute on your own posts and question how positive they are on the whole. Here's a

The great tragedy of our American education system.

Dark Souls 2 kinda makes invading really pointless anyway. You aren't really impeding anyone's progress since the areas are small enough that dying doesn't really slow you down. Once they are a few hours into the game they'll have one of the infinitely repairable rings of life protection anyway, so you aren't

No, a mace is a rigid weapon. You are most likely thinking of a flail, which is like the head of a mace attached to a chain which is in turn attached to a stick or rod of some sort. This on the other hand lacks the rigid stick/rod base and is purely a whip with a weighted mass attached. Kind of like a single-headed