Jonathan R.

A really buff squirtle that can learn vine whip for some reason.

For some reason I read that as 'for counter-productivity'

I make lots of positive comments. But if you want to play that game, we can. Sorry for pooping on your beloved hobby.

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Yeah, dorm fees aren't tuition, so people need to not group them together as if they were one thing.

Project Spark shouldn't count for obvious reasons.

Worse, it doesn't say it will be included in the cost of dorm fees/room and board, it says it will be included in the cost of tuition. As in, this potentially affects students who don't even use the dorms.

Looks like someone looked up the origin of the word portmanteau.

More like a half banana and a half zucchini, but close enough.

That's why Noone developed the Chairless Chair, a chair you can wear.

Please stick to colors that are actually readable without blowing up the image several times, at least for the top five sources. The fact that you can't read number 2 is a rather heinous graphic design faux pas.

Ridiculous over the top sword design is just one of the many things wrong with Advent Children.

The fact that I couldn't find a source for the Dr. Mario model used in both leaker 1 and leaker 2's shots makes me think this might actually be credible. But if so, wow, I never ever expected Duck Hunt Dog to be a thing.

The obvious question to ask in response to Sakurai's statements here is why the 3DS version is coming first instead of second considering the series background as a console fighting game.

I don't mean in the legal sense obviously, I simply mean that it's something disdainful.

If you had the ability to kill these people yourself with no possible external repercussions, would you do so?

Nah, a pun at least requires an observation to be made. All portmanteau takes is taking two words, stripping out a couple letters, and smashing them together.

And that's why portmanteau is the laziest form of word play.

You didn't miss much with Wrath Unleashed (no one ever said the spirtual sequel has to be better than the original). Archon 2 on the other hand was pretty neat.