And then there's this... man, I'm shaking my head...
And then there's this... man, I'm shaking my head...
You clearly missed the decapitation spam that took place the other day.
Um, I didn't bring it up. (see '> Monochrome') And your strange hostility towards me seems unwarranted. Perhaps you need to calm the fuck down sir.
The silencer on your tranquilizer pistol broke. For 100 Drebin dollars (~$1 on the app store) you can replace your silencer.
I can agree with that. At the same time though, that's why so many Playstation era games used prerendered backgrounds instead of going for full 3D. It's fairly easy to go back and play something like Final Fantasy 8/9 or Chrono Cross. Xenogears on the other hand took... the opposite approach, and it can be rather…
I very much appreciate the amount of work that goes into animating sprites. Believe me, I know its a hell of a lot of work. But we aren't looking at animated sprites here, we are looking at stills and it's a whole lot easier to get a still image to look good than it is to make a model that will look good from any…
Sure, but you could say the same thing about Starcraft 2. Some people play strictly for the campaign, some people stick around for the funky oddity maps that people make. Heck, it didn't take long for SC2 to get its own DOTA style maps too.
So did you actually play the game this time? I'm still salty about skipping SaGa Frontier :<
How is a two-dimensional game from 2000 so much more visually interesting and pleasing than most 3D games that followed it?
Eternal Blue, like its predecessor, is pretty much the quintessential "traditional JRPG." It's got towns, dungeons, turn-based combat, a story about an adventurer who winds up saving the world from an evil god, a quest structure neatly divided into four main portions, and all the other accouterments you might expect…
Oh, so over 4 million copies sold is considered niche now eh?
My Origin track record:
Bought Sims 3 - works
Got Sims 2 Complete due to promotional thingy - doesn't install, no response from support because it isn't a supported game anymore.
50% success rate
Dude... this is Madden we are talking about. They don't need to spend any extra money developing it, they finished developing it like 15 years ago.
Creating any kind of realistic feeling virtual world would require so much more than simply designing a game around a VR headset.
It was made by the same developer as AoE, it shared the same naming structure as AoE, and it shared a genre with AoE. In what way is it not a spinoff? If you point to gameplay differences, then that's like saying Mario Tennis isn't an SMB spinoff.
If that were the case, wouldn't it just be X Wars? Seeing as... X in Xmas is a stand in for all of Christ.
And here I thought that was why people moved to Florida...
That's nothing. They also have Digimon Xros Wars... where the X is apparently just supposed to be a substitute for 'Cr'
I became frustrated when the lines didn't clear.