Jonathan R.

Nevada ruined the Watch Dogs belt.

didn't stop the line of equally dull states above from all going after Watch Dogs 2 :P

Is it really? Those crazy Japanese people... not knowing how the letter x works.

These tricks are to help children learn to learn their basic multiplication figures more than anything else and for most children multiplication comes before dealing with fractions. People who know multiplication already usually don't stumble on multiplication with five in the first place.

Because the multiply by ten divide by two method is incapable of producing fractions from whole numbers during any step of the process. That automatically makes it less confusing for children who are learning multiplication and division.

Ehhhh, that sounds sketchy. There are already in-game items that make jumping weirder and floatier, so the idea that you couldn't tweak some other related values without crashing the game seems a little farfetch'd to me. Maybe people haven't figured it out yet, but I'm sure it's plausible.

Because it's a ridiculous game to be the top pick anywhere and combine that with Oklahoma's ridiculous shape, it's just wacky crazy.

It's an old spinoff of Age of Empires based around Greek myth.

The Sims 2? So Alabamians have taken to stealing stuff that EA is just giving away for free now?

No, because multiplying by ten and then dividing by two makes more sense. It also takes away the nebulous concept of 'moving the decimal place' which is really just another way of saying multiply by ten.

That'll work fine until the hackers figure out how to disable the code that causes the game to check when you fall to your doom and add a teleport code that allows them to jump back to where they were a few seconds ago. Or maybe they'll just plain find a way to toggle gravity.

Not necessarily. If you cast crystal soul spear and you have something that watches the memory for the game object that the cyrstal soul spear creates, you can simply take control of the projectile's already existing ability to spin and forcibly move it to where you want it to go. The crystal soul spear is already

That's not really true. If you modify the textures in a local copy of a game for instance, that's still a mod (if an insignificant one), but the effect doesn't carry to any other people.

Particle effects have been in basically every major game since the PS2 days dood.

The particle effects themselves are actual, finished, complete particle effects. They simply changed the paths of the emitters.

People throw on cheat engine and such and then invade you with an infinite supply of cracked red eye orbs, they tweak their soul memory so that they can invade really low level people even if they actually are max level, they spam infinite magic, and to top it all off they make themselves invincible. Hackers in DS2

Among similarly skilled players though, it certainly has a tendency to come down to luck. And I don't even necessarily mean within a small skill window.

Absolutely. As in, in both absolute truth and in the ways that matter.

I remember in MGS3 you could choose to kill a boss by letting him die of old age. That's pretty silly.

I did say. / /u_u\ \