Jonathan R.

It's just another item on the long list of odd things people do with speech. Like when people say literally when they mean figuratively.

I might have played a whole lot more XB360 if mine weren't so loud that I just couldn't stand turning the beast on. As a result I ended up almost always favoring PS3 releases.

The topic of discussion was 'But the original 360 was a poorly designed piece of crap.'

Those skills you picked up during bondage play could really come in handy for that job you are applying for to make a robot that automates the task of rigging ships. Yeah, for some reason we are putting a robot on a sailing vessel... it's a little anachronistic, but our extremely wealthy clientele demand it.

Really it's probably best not to put gaming on your resume even then. Maybe on a cover letter.

Ehhhhh, that doesn't make them the DOTA characters, that makes them the models the original DOTA characters were based on. Still practical rather than technical.

Um... I think you mean practically, not technically. Those two words are kind of the opposite, one meaning in all ways that matter even if not in absolute truth with the other meaning in absolute truth even if not in ways that matter.

You all know that every time you mention DOTA2 in relation to Blizzard's IP, someone at Bliz-Activision has an aneurism right?

I'm pretty sure the rappers Ice Cube and Vanilla Ice were both secretly Frieza people.

Even though female Link appears on a page called "previously unseen rejected characters," it sure would be surprising if Linkle didn't end up in Hyrule Warriors at some point.

*shies away from mentioning that Bardock didn't give Goku his name*

It took what, a few days for Diablo 3 to be compromised by widely available bots and things? Then how much longer was it again before there was that ridiculous rash of account hijacking?

controller latency.

With a name like Gocool he has to be part whatever the hell Frieza/Cooler/King Cold are.

I think his point might be that trolls aren't supposed to be pretty. They are supposed to be... um... trolls.

I just wonder what Ganon's up to...

Considering it's a made up name, I think it's up to Nintendo to decide if it's a gender-specific name and what it's distaff counterpart would be.

Oh yay, Bioware is finally making something new again. Good for them.

Holy shit, someone besides me remembers Life and Death!

No, all it really tells you is that some people don't have the resources to make everything for their game. When uniqueness isn't a priority, they can turn to sites like Turbosquid to get what they need.