Jonathan R.

Except I know plenty of what I'm talking about. I don't do hardware for a living, but I follow major trends pretty religiously via blogs like Tom's hardware and Anandtech and I've been doing so for a long time. The integrated graphics thing was just me trying to come up with some ridiculous scenario (without regard to

Did you not read the parenthesis part where I said exactly that? Do you even literate?

Nah, we would still be hearing about net neutrality. At the end of the day what ISPs want is more money for the same thing. They don't care if the bandwidth is actually a problem or not.

Aren't crazy high-end OCs usually done on something completely different from your typical water cooling solutions anyway? Like liquid nitrogen? I read about an oil submersion method once, but I don't think that was going for any record breaking overclocking or anything like that.

You go right ahead. The idea of you going out of your way to make life difficult for people you know in real life because of something someone on the Internet said to you amuses me to no end.

Sure you will buddy. You probably need to work from home considering your anger management issues.

A real IT job? You think I wanted an IT job? Wow man. Just wow. Sorry man, I like making money and solving real problems (rather than fake ones like this solution looking for a problem we've been talking about). If I got stuck in IT after all my education I think I would have killed myself.

Thanks for the insight. I'm not going to pretend I know all about everything on a motherboard, but it's good to hear a reasonable explanation for something I don't understand... as opposed to... well, you know.

Heh, I'm a software engineer and pretty good at my job. Swing and a miss.

That doesn't sound like an aspergers kind of thing to say at all. RAAARGH I'mma beat you up mysterious stranger on the Internet who I've never seen! You sound like a twelve year old.

Says the guy named fuckmeimnaked and trying to make a serious case for overpriced functionless crap. Go take your aspergers meds.

Smart enough not to devolve into impotent rage when someone tells me something I don't want to hear.

Except that it's really all just for show. You might as well put a spoiler on your case... it'll have just as much real effect.

Yeaaaaah, sorry, I don't care for funneling water through things strictly for the sake of funneling water through things. See, I spend my money on parts that actually matter.

Which needs water cooling (or anything more than passive cooling for that matter) why?

Not all of it.

"thats not where the gpus are located nowadays"

What I'm wondering is why you would ever need to water cool a motherboard in the first place. With an on-mobo IGP, I could at least conceive of an insane reason someone could find a use for it. Otherwise, I've got nothing.

In which case you ironically are obscuring the guts of your computer by doing so.

I guess that's useful if like... you are overclocking your integrated graphics processor (wait... they usually put those on the processor now don't they...) or something.