I'd agree with you if it were tofurkey or something that is clearly made to emulate meat, but a burger is just a rounded patty of something with a ground up, somewhat homogenous something. It's just an efficient thing to put on a bun.
I'd agree with you if it were tofurkey or something that is clearly made to emulate meat, but a burger is just a rounded patty of something with a ground up, somewhat homogenous something. It's just an efficient thing to put on a bun.
Unfortunately, while Sonic CD on the PSN got released as a port of the IOS variant, I'm fairly sure the PSN version of Sonic 1 is just a genesis emulator playing an old version of the Genesis rom with some memory watching to track achievements.
Unless you are playing the IOS or SEGA Saturn (in Jam) versions... or one of the numerous modified versions of the Genesis rom that included it.
What you are talking about has literally no context with the post you are responding to and you sound like an asshole.
Oh, yeah, absolutely not. Complexity of the levels was what made the series stand out. There are pros and cons to complexity vs simplicity of course, and the complexity of the levels in Sonic is a big part of why Sonic games tended to have a lot less levels than Mario games, but every level in the classic Sonic games…
I don't really believe that it's that there are exceptions so much that a lot of people tend to let certain levels or certain types of levels really color how they reflect on the classics. I'd be hard pressed to name too many levels from Sonic 2 outside of Emerald Hill and Aquatic Ruin that actually follow the…
Spoken like a Trumpion.
And the answer to that is the same as it always is - only if you think you'll make enough money to justify the costs.
The stories are irrelevant. It's a platform game. The boss fights are fundamentally different from the classics and now involve a slow process of waiting out the boss's attacks and then attacking when he has an opening. They move much more slowly. If by that you meant that the game still has boss fights, ok, but…
S1 and S2 got around them by having level select codes :P
Just don't play Sonic Spinball, because that shit is kinda broken.
I think your timeline is a little mixed up. Unleashed came out a while after 06. The character explosion really came into place with Sonic Heroes (previous Sonic games never had more than 6 playable characters/characters with a story focus)... which was also the first game in the series that really tried to shift the…
nothing the game makers are doing is different. Its us.
How hard is it to push down exactly? People who try to play Sonic like it's Mario rather than adapting to the way you are actually supposed to approach enemies in Sonic are naturally going to have problems.
The high/middle/low path thing isn't always true... it's only conditionally true. Lots of levels deviate from the pattern, especially in Sonic 2. When people are thinking of the high/middle/low path concept, they are generally thinking of Aquatic Ruin (which exemplifies this pattern to a T) or one of the other GHZ…
Ninja Gaiden also did wall climbing significantly earlier than Sonic and Knuckles... although in that case I'd say probably not as well.
That's why spindash exists.
Blue sentinels don't come when you summon red phantoms into your game deliberately.
Yesterday I was playing DS2 in NG+ with my pimped out wizard, just trying to make progress. I was in the Earthen peaks when I got invaded by a red phantom (holy crap they are near-to constant in NG+).
Frankly a PS4 should have little trouble emulating a PS2 as well.