Jonathan R.

Ok, someone pointed out Marble Zone... that's the second level. Then there is a little more of that speed (but way less than the first) in Spring Yard Zone... followed immediately by Labyrinth Zone, which is far less than fast, followed by Starlight Zone which again, kind of fast, not quite Green Hill fast... and then

EDIT: oops, misread

The entire point of Sonic was to go fast.

If you are describing the 2D titles, then the problem is that you weren't in the right frame of mind. Talking about gaining a feeling a mastery, a skilled Sonic player finds ways to move that you don't normally think about. Where you see a small change in elevation in the terrain, someone who played those games a lot

Unless you know... by helping this program to a shallow grave a little faster than what would happen otherwise, EA ends up backing down and just running their promotions through standard XBL and PSN.

Well yes, he said as much if you followed the conversation through. It just seems like a stretch to say she was ever really an enemy though. Plus the plurality of it is a little odd.

Ah, but who nitpicks the nitpickers?

Ice cream in a taco shell is not a choco-taco.

Plus twelve cases of ice cream sandwiches would probably only cost around 40 dollars anyway. Particularly if you aren't going for the larger boxes.

I can think of maybe one EA game per console generation that I actually want. Well, at least since the N64 days. Prior to then I actually liked EA.

(from diabetes)

Also for gay gamers:

Plus never failing.

Maybe give me that in Dark Souls 2 as well... seeing as playing it in 60fps on PC causes some enemies to do their attacks twice as quickly, makes your rolls effectively last half as long, and makes some actions done with weapons degrade them roughly twice as quickly. Yay for certain console game devs not

The worst part about it is that they started applying the same thought processes that they had with the orcs in WC3 to the Zerg in SC2.

That's what the whole idea of early access is though.

Well... that depends on whether your idea of what one owes as a karmic debt is the same as your idea of what you are legally obligated to provide.

Of course, this begs the question of what qualifies as a 'finished product'. Technically, a game is finished when the developers say it is. So long as they slap a 1.0.[...] on their release, they can say they released a finished game. If we say 'well, you said you would have such and such feature and that isn't in

While I generally agree that people shouldn't freak out about the people behind Rust starting up other projects, I will say this brings up an interesting point of the whole Kickstarter/Early Access model...

Yeah, that's who he said he was referring to. It just seems a little bit of an oversell to me to call that recurring enemies that become friendly party members/romantic interests when in truth they aren't ever actually enemies at any point and the only time her 'betrayal' ever comes off as being maybe legitimate, it