Jonathan R.

Well, that cancelled Adventure game technically, but yeah, when it comes to stuff that was actually released it was never intended for Orcs to have even a mild tint of being anything other than a bloodthirsty race of murderous green barbarians prior to WC3. It's something they did primarilly to allow for more focus on

Yeah, pretty much. It's mechanically the best in the series, it has the best writing and dialog by far, but you know what? There's no question that it was also the turning point at which they decided "Continuity? Who cares!"

You know Warcraft jumped the shark when they decided that the orcs were a noble tribal race rather than a bunch of bloodthirsty assholes who just wanted to ruin peoples' days.

You seriously think I didn't get what your 'impression' was the first three times you said it? It's not like you've change the message even an iota since the first post. Again, I know exactly what you think. It's what you think that's bullshit though because your thoughts are completely tainted by the fact that you

I think he's focusing on the style more so than the fact that it's a fighting game. Up until now Marvel fighting games have almost exclusively been made by Capcom aside from a few odd ones like the XMen fighting games on GC/PS2/XBox and maybe some early XB360 stuff.

You think I don't get your point? The problem here isn't a lack of understanding on my part, it's that your impressions aren't rooted in reality. You have decided that stuff you grew up with that all aped the same style... those things are OK, but when that same kind of crap is created by people your age, suddenly

I think you missed my point. Mickey Mouse also looks derivative of Felix the Cat, but no one complains that Mickey Mouse ripped Felix's style in spite of the former having been around almost ten years earlier.

Sounds like you are splitting gay hares to me.

That's true. It's pretty deeply ingrained into my brain. You should probably grab a world map online... they used to come standard with the game. Most games for that matter. A lot of my older games even came with cloth maps... you know, back when RPGs actually had world maps and felt like something special.

They continually invade communities of 'norms', tell everyone that they're furries and they like all that shit, and then proceed to mechanically be offended when people are like 'dude, no, that's fucked up, please stop'.

Then why is it that you immediately went to the two men in the furry suits? You specifically went for the gay angle. Don't pretend like you didn't. It's disingenuous as hell.

In order to be a Sonic OC, doesn't it have to... you know, be a fanwork? Is Mickey Mouse a bad Felix the Cat OC?

I like how your jab at them ultimately comes down to 'they are gay guys'. I mean, you could have gone for the whole Peter Pan thing or the overly publicly complainey angle, but this is just faster and more visceral.

I don't see any reason they should do 3D graphics. Hand drawn sprites at a higher resolution would probably look nicer anyway.

I'd recommend going with the gameboy advance version for the added content and better translation than the PSX and SNES (hacked) versions.

I think XDeath beats Kefka in terms of world changing impact... whether positive or negative in the long run. Kefka destroyed some cities and changed some geography. XDeath turned two planets into a single planet and effectively double the landmass.

I understood it well enough when it was monsters using magic, but then you get to Zozo and it's just human looking enemies called 'Dancers'... and that's weird.

Sure, but so is Terra, Shadow worked for them from time to time, and the whole nation of Figaro were their 'allies'... but as far as the party is concerned and from the perspective of the player there is never a point at which she is an enemy. Leo is in the same boat... he's an enemy only in terms of being on the

I didn't actually disagree with you. Just because it's the most overrated FF game doesn't mean it isn't the best.

Odd, I see you correcting me, but your explanation doesn't include anything that suggests Umaro or Gogo have any significant backstory. Instead you just talked about characters I didn't say anything about.