Jonathan R.

The very first time you see her in game she is already persona-non-grata as far as the Empire is concerened. Well, I guess not 'very first' time... since her sprite appears on screen for about 2 seconds in a flashback of Terra's at the beginning of the game. First time she speaks anyway.

You have every ability to choose to ignore that... and it's arguably not even a glitch. More of an oversight really.

I worry more that they'd wreck the art style by trying to make it too much like its contemporaries.

Well... to say Kefka succeeds at his plan kinda suggests he had a plan in the first place.

Eh, the only bug that is really that prevalent is the evasion bug and it's pretty easy to ignore. Plus it's fixed in the GBA version along with the translation.

Well... except Gogo and Umaro. You didn't learn dick about their histories.

Recurring enemies became friendly party members and romantic interests.

I'd be hard pressed to name a favorite part, but I'll tell you right now my least favorite part is the first visit to the town of Zozo. If magic is so bloody rare in this universe, why is it that every cheap hooker in this town has a fire spell which can one-shot most people on my team!?

Uh... I never get into more than like 3 fights on my way from Narshe to Figaro.

You sir, are confused. FF2 US is FFIV, not FFV.

FF6 is probably the most overrated Final Fantasy game... but only because it's so insanely highly rated. There are a lot of things that it does less well than other games in the series. Take locations for instance... Most of FF6's towns look about the same (Narshe and Vector excluded), most of the dungeon type areas

Sonic games were always more fun when they exposed developer tools like level select and debug mode.

1. not canon. Nintendo didn't give them voices, it was... oh, who was it, DIC?
2. Yeah, and they were horrible.

I never once got that version of the cheat to work. I had to use the S3K version where you use the hanging vines.

It's not. It's heavy weapons guy.

The twister doesn't actually slow you down when it hits you and if you are able to adapt to the reversed direction quickly it's like you didn't get hit with a weapon at all. Whenever I get it I feel like I might as well not have gotten anything... especially when playing against computer opponents.

Don't you think it's a little unfair to compare a slow motion FMV clip to realtime gameplay played back at the same framerate while the person playing the game is also deliberately flipping their vehicle (transform boost) to obfuscate the action?

The koopalings kinda stopped being cool when Nintendo gave them voices.

So for reference, are you strictly comparing the Wii U version of Sonic + Allstars Racing Transformed to Mario Kart here, or are you comparing all versions? Because I've got to say... SART PC vs SART Wii U is night and day. I mean, I liked SART ok when I got it first on Wii U, but about a year later I got the PC

Edge: Mario Kart. Mario Kart has been considered best-in-class for much of its life for some very good reasons. The continued excellence of its in-games items is one of these reasons. Sonic Racing's are fine, I suppose, but they're nothing remarkable. The game would've had to really knock this out of the park to best