Jonathan R.

Sure, but you could say the same of Bowser.

Especially while leaving off much easier targets like Daisy and a million fucking babies.

Yeah, I'll give you that SMRPG did more than any other Mario game to play at the quirky juxtaposed angle. It's just a little hard to favor its RPG mechanics over future Mario RPGs.

I don't get what people find so fascinating about Geno. He's just a white star-puppet Barret. Frankly he never made it into my final team.

I said surveillance drones, not deadly assault drones.

Sure, if you can ignore that it's almost as shallow as FF4 in terms of what you can do to customize your team. Thousand Year Door for the win. Plentiful options make it strong.

And then aerial surveillance drones brought screen looking to the battlefield.

Some people just want to hide and try to snipe people without fear of reprisal.

It'll also be playable online, which sounds markedly less enjoyable. How do you even replicate to the maniacal fun of stealing a glance at someone else's screen when they're hundreds of miles away? It's the greatest mystery of our time. I hope developer Samurai Punk comes up with a good solution.

You know, anyone can be a crack smoking mayor of Toronto, but it takes something special to be the crack smoking mayor of Toronto.

Of course. But people who watch for PC parts in the hopes of finding a bargain on the other hand... they don't tend to match up with the 'overwhelming number of folks'

Of course. But people who watch for PC parts in the hopes of finding a bargain on the other hand... they don't tend

Partly because most things that go on sale are out of date.

Partly because most things that go on sale are out of date.

Would the Square Enix of today be able to conceive of fucked up monsters like this guy:

Hazama: It isn't like a straight resurrection of that actual mini-game. It would be very difficult to have that as an independent game on a mobile platform. But it does have the roots in the G-Bike. We took that as a launch pad, and it expands on that.

I don't think so. 1000 dollars of in-game currency in CS is very little so it wouldn't be a sensible comment to make would it?


I like how it accurately depicts the fact that the eyes on these ice cream treats are always poorly aligned so that they go into derp-eyes mode.

$1000!? Fuck!

You know, I can see where you are coming from, but at the same time... I feel like there are a lot of things I would have enjoyed more if they were never finished. Just two examples, The Matrix and Xenosaga... both really promising starts that never should have received their part 2's.

Even if she is around for the gameplay though, that still doesn't necessarily mean they have to provide quite as many animations as they do for the main character and his various multiplayer clones.