I guess they figure if they can't make a compelling female/black comic book character that can maintain a steady audience, they'll take a white male character from a series that already has an audience and just swap him out.
I guess they figure if they can't make a compelling female/black comic book character that can maintain a steady audience, they'll take a white male character from a series that already has an audience and just swap him out.
We talking mixed race spider-man in the ultimate series, or are we talking Otto Octavius Spider-man from Superior Spider-man... which I think is the main series right now oddly enough.
Tower of Flame isn't nearly as bad as going from Earthen Peak to Iron Forge by means of an elevator that went up :P
I don't know how someone can find a game repetitive after only 20 minutes.
There are little things I like about each of them over the other. The interconnectedness of Dark Souls kind of puts it a little ahead of the others to me. Demons' Souls on the other hand is more esoteric than the others what with its odd mechanics like World Tendency, and unlike in Dark Souls, getting killed really…
Ah yes, the aborted blood babies attacking you, and all the while you get called out as some kind of bastard for being down there in the first place.
To be fair, I did say kind of.
Demons' Souls is like... ten times creepier than the other two, and I think Tower of Latria is a big part of that.
Well, if they do start restricting PVP by soul level instead of just memory, that'll just mean I won't have anyone to play with :(. The PC version seems relatively inactive (at least in NG). I was never once able to use a cracked blue eye orb for instance.
Oh the other guy. He was in full havels and his shield bashes did about an 8th of my health (I like the Falconer's set... dat feather helmet!) while mine did like 10 damage. I hit with a lot more shield bashes though!
Last night I was doing some chameleon trolling in the blood covenant arena in DS2 (it's about all you can do when everyone there is about 200 soul levels more overbuilt than you are) and one guy caught me... we ended up having a shield bashing fight with two handed shields. It was kind of epic.
baconiness has now entered my culinary dictionary.
Just thinking about the chip grease mixed with the bacon grease makes me a little queasy. At least mango salsa sounds somewhat refreshing. Plus it's ruffled and ruffled chips are the shizznape.
I've never really seen the value in being able to name a character who you don't really have any ability to influence. Plus it makes things like implementing voice acting more awkward when you have a bunch of characters who are avoiding saying someone's name (or worse, in some games they just have the voice acting…
Freight is a huge industry in the U.S. and probably has way too much lobbying power for them to ever have to pay into infrastructure what they get out of it.
I'd have to look it up to get the exact flow rate, but they were 120mm scythe gentle typhoons.
I did, but I went for a set of fans that moved more air and ended up being only slightly less loud :/
You couldn't be more wrong. Turning on the power button and having the wrong things happen is much worse than nothing happening. When nothing happens it's usually simple to fix.