"Will it blend?"
"Will it blend?"
1997 Buick Park Ave IIHS
Depends on what you're crashing into. Full size Buick into the Fiat? Eh prolly a wash. Safer new car, but less mass hitting the boat.
Apple is sticking with its core product, and making a family out of it - that can only cost so much. And like any 99% family, a budget helps decision making.
Just bury him with a cool wordless infographic about mumification and what we knew about ancient mummies at this time.
NP, for the first 500-1000 miles (possibly less.) Then it soon becomes a 4k, 5k, 8k, 10k...
They are pleasingly plump.
Meh a gray badge/wheel special ed. Yawn. Now a proper supersports, with loud exhaust, roll cage, and carbon shelled seats for this price would be killer.
Really useful list, but I wouldve likely picked a lot of these pricey heroes anyway. 288GTO over the Countach? Easy. 037 uber alles!
How would a wide receiver even drive this car? Ive driven a few back in the day, and my size 11s barely fit in the cramped footwell. I remember getting my foot hung up on the plastic trim trying to switch from gas to brake more than once.
I go camping at least once a year with a bunch of friends who all own Subarus. The camping site parking area looks like a classic Subie dealership, with (over the years) Outbacks, Foresters, WRXs... always wagons though.
I've never even muttered that under my breath lol. Haters gon' hate, too much work to fight 'em.
German car owners that aren't Porsche or one of the smaller boutique makers. Porsche people are certainly uptight and snooty, but they warm up eventually.
Obvious troll is obvious.
I wonder if there is a way to "tune" the windings of the motor, or perhaps the shape of the motor housing - to produce different frequencies. High pitched whine is alright, but could there be a way to get more bass out of an electric motor?
I've seen a real KID driving one of these around Lagrange, IL in summer. Seen him a few times cruising around in it. Couldn't have been even 20, driving a Ferrari California. Maybe it was his parent's though. Probably mom's as it wasn't red... but still, some car to be driving by yourself at that age.
A truly charismatic and characterful machine, that deserves to be cherished.
It's my current hometown... can I bad mouth it now? :P
Chicago number! Why am I not remotely surprised???