Jon Ptolemy

No contest:

Blogger Doom vs Fantastic 4Chan


"And we're going to lose him as the ruler of Latveria, too, I'm guessing."

The Dark Knight.

How about we stop body-shaming people in general? It should not be acceptable to mock people for their bodies, even when they've done something worth criticism or contempt, because then you are just lumping in all the innocent people with the same issues with the guilty one.

Ugh, Elder Scrolls flashback....damn, my last lock pick broke!!

P.S. — Thor's dead-eyed look of burgeoning panic when Steve manages to make Mjolnir move a little, from last week's Age of Ultron clip, delights me to the core of my being.

Thorgi's got that Asgardian smile down pat.

How about a guy in a yellow suit named the Whizzer?

Matter-Eater Lad

Dune up through God Emperor of Dune.

Hey Syfy, bring back SGU and all is forgiven.

Would I also say Judge Dredd from what I read? Then again, any fictional character who ages in real time doing the same damn thing is rather self-destructive.

Toss up between:

• Avengers: Infinity War Part One in May 2018

11) If more people don't watch it ABC will cancel it and air reruns of The Bachelor. Let's be better than that.

What about Mr. Frost? Who's more affable than Jeff Goldblum?