Jon Ptolemy

I have a question for this crowd: so the other night whilst my girlfriend was passed out from drinking, I did something absolutely uncharacteristic. We had been at a concert, she got hammered and I stayed sober to babysit her. Later back at the hotel, she passed out and I began drinking while she slept. My phone was

Meredith's ability to sit, week after week, through quite possibly the worst, trashiest, most nonsensical genre show in human history has finally paid off! (I'm only teasing! sort of...)

Avengers: Age of Extinction——>Avengers: Age of Ultron #corrections

Hell yes, looks so good! Who run Bartertown?

So is Ward gonna be in it? As a member of the team? Not a HYDRA agent since this is a different continuity? These are questions.

I will allow this. Carry on.

BTW, symptom of the era, John actually decked some guys in the early issues for insinuating he was gay.

John's bisexuality was only mentioned a few times in passing and was only a plot point in one story arc when John faked his death in "Ashes & Dust." I think the show will suffer from perhaps making a John a meddlesome do-gooder. Something in the pilot that also bothered me is that Chas has something supernatural going

GOOD. I hate it for the actress, but she isn't needed. It might make a good precedent, a setup to show how all of John's friends end up dead in some horrible way. I didn't think too much of the pilot, but I am keeping an open mind, especially since this is the only way we will see ol' Conjob on screen. (Yeah, I know,


Entirely. Cannot stop watching, hate every character. Biggest collection of terrible people on television since Seinfeld.

Pyp, Grenn and Alliser Thorne are all still alive in the books, yes?

YES! I was just about to post something about Bakker's magic! Love the relationship between philosophy and magic, fixed and unfixed meanings. Absolutely stellar.

Although the second book was not bad, it was a league behind the first book. I got the distinct impression that Pat got panicked halfway through when he realized that three books were not enough to tell the story he wanted to tell. It gets extremely rushed, lots of stuff passed over and crammed in.

My lady and I went out in the city, drank some tequila and some beers, split a monstrous burger called the Big Bertha (juicy burger topped with pulled pork and bacon and sandwiched between two grilled cheese sandwiches!) and went to the local non-profit movie theater and saw "Ping-Pong Summer", which was an ode to the

My girlfriend asked me to watch this, which is what I am doing. She is very healthy & athletic. I am not.

It's everything I hoped this show would be.