

I guess it depends on where you live. I'm in Texas and have almost never even seen a tick. But I saw a few in Minnesota one summer.

"Find tasty meat sticks in your area!"

That's not what my wife says.

I just learned about GeoCookies from a meeting with a website redesign contractor yesterday. It's like how cookies inform entities about your browser history, but GeoCookies inform companies about your location history. Those pages that ask on your mobile that request access to your location, they'll be able to

No that's not a real job. It's a dream job. =P

It's not a NSFW thing. I can't just watch random videos at work while I'm supposed to be working. Do you not have a real job?

I watched the whole thing on mute, I'm at work.


I dunno ... looks like the second bee just stumbled in like the first one and flailed around a bit, like the first one. I can't even tell if it stung the spider.

Which SCREEN is best? Man, I couldn't care any less. A smart watch is about functionality and a little about fashion (to me, anyway). I'd love to see you guys do an overall review of smart watches now that the Gear 2 line is out. As of this past weekend I decided I want one, but I'm still doing research.

Not sure if trolling . . .


Because I've never seen Breaking Bad


None of those, except I think I caught part of the Ferris Bueller movie when I was a kid.

I only get the Back to the Future and Ghostbusters references. #MillennialsProblems

"Hey! .... VSauce here. Have you ever wondered just—-how—-you're reading this in... MY... voice?"

I'm the same exact way, except the response I always get is: "Good for you! I couldn't do that." I'm not sure what to take from that.

Well, you're also pretty under-informed in general, so...