

What if I have a Master's in something completely unrelated?

Do you have any job openings?


No, that guy was on his way to a Blue Man Group audition. He missed some spots, though, so he didn't get the gig. He totally blue it.

Not ALL body types!

In the U.S. it's as secure as your network admin sets it up to be. Outside the U.S. it probably has an NSA backdoor installed in it. I'm in the U.S. so no worries. =P

I purposefully avoided talking about wireless NETWORKING in my post too, because wireless display is a security vector too. We can't have outsiders picking up and decoding the wireless display from just outside our office walls, spying on what we're seeing including sensitive account details, emails, and internal

I actually prefer wired connection at home for most things too. My smart Blu Ray streaming Netflix, Plex, etc. must be wired, my desktop is wired, my Raspberry Pi and assorted microcontroller projects are wired. I do enjoy the WiFi on my smartphone and ultrabook, though.

My office? Nope. My home? Probably.

Star this comment if you love puppies, and hate terrorists!

"Will ya stop takin' pictures of me, kid?"

California landmarks? I thought they were using cats. Mountain Lion, Snow Leopard, etc...? So is this OS XI? Or OS X 10.10? Or OS X 11?

for Vendetta

You don't have to be so defiant about it.

Nice, a few of us have posted about this. I find Spotify to be the best reason for Airplane Mode.

All I use it for: Sharing Spotify account with the wife and being able to play my offline music while she streams the online stuff, like if we're both working out together-but-separate at the gym.

All those talking about lawsuits (which is like 99% of these comments!) are uninformed.

Yeah, probably true.

Shaka, when the walls fell.