Tough guy
Tough guy
Wow, I didn't know there was that much hate for BK. Maybe it's a regional thing? I grew up on military bases where they had a contract with, so it's the fast food from my childhood. Even where I'm at in Texas there's always a lot of traffic at each of the 3 BK's in town.
Fuck this teenie bopper
I feel this way all the time. It sucks when my wife's parents are constantly pressuring us to make them grandparents. We tell them we're waiting until we own a house to put them in, but sometimes I really just feel like you, Erin.
Why is everything in fucking Spanish? HELLOOOO??? THIS IS AMERICA
Wait, what? That "update" changes the whole mood of the story!
Well, I doubt he was a tax attorney. Since you say you're an attorney, you should know the high variety in types of lawyers. I wouldn't care if maritime lawyer Cherish Cutestory didn't know about tax brackets.
With your host: Peter in-a-Fake-Girl.
+1 for "horsecock" (please let that be the last time i say that)
It looks so happy and free!
I see it as fair play. You defend a goal, and give up a player in return. If the rules changed to something more severe, like counting it as an own-goal or something crazy, then this wouldn't be a feasible tactic. But you play to the rules of life, not the rules of the game.
No, I mean in the image. The image is of code on a PCB. Just a dumb stock photo, just pointing out how it looks funny.
I guess it depends on where you live. I'm in Texas and have almost never even seen a tick. But I saw a few in Minnesota one summer.
No, that guy was on his way to a Blue Man Group audition. He missed some spots, though, so he didn't get the gig. He totally blue it.