
Like sharks drawn to the scent of blood in the water, the fan boys shall cometh.

So is it Mr. Dic, or Mr. Tator?

@TrampaOnline: It's the swiss, and I do like that idea. Much more fair that way.

@Lee M. Janotta: Without knowing the details of the system, it sounds more like punishing people for drinking and driving while poor.

Dear Lambo, Still waiting for Space thrusters and laser turrets, otherwise, keep up the good work.

Rust...if it's there, walk away. Lets face it, with about $50 in Harbor Freight tools most people can do a lot of the mechanical bits without much effort. Rust/body damage is another story. The tools are expensive, the skills are harder to come by, the space to do the work required is of a reasonable size (i.e. NOT

@ndotm: The truest statement here.

Ok, so a gripe and a rant. I too would love to see some of the Holden Utes make it stateside, but seriously, stop the crying when GM shows a concept for something much smaller and cheaper. Besides, of the many cries for the Utes, who here could afford and actually would buy NEW a $30k+ 2 seat el camino like vehicle?

You know if GM sticks with the whole, "Professional Grade" bit, I can see alot of professionals using this. Pest control companies, painters, window washers, sales reps, etc. People that need a bed for the extra space it can provide, especially for bulky items, but don't need a full sized truck. If this thing

I'd be pretty happy to keep my '04 MINI S. Sure a tad small for a family car if that were ever an issue, but something about the scream of the super as you run through the revs, the quick and nimble handling, and so forth, just makes me smile every time I have to drive. Heck, I've managed to transport a 42" tv in

@TSJ: Sadly it depends state by state. Some states actually have a basic safety inspection, looking for functioning lights, whipers, brakes, and so on that would indicate a vehicle that is safe enough to go down the road without exploding. Others have...nothing. Considering the fact that these inspections are

I seem to remember my 76 Gremlin (258 2bbl, 3spd auto and some cheap ass tires) doing some truely amazing burnouts. Sure it was a peg leg, but with all that torque and absolutely NO weight over the rear tires (and a few rust holes to let the smoke into the cabin) there was no way you were going to see where you were

If you ever want fun stories, be my father. 62 years old, his company flies him out regularly, but usually on one way tickets. He has a metal hip and in his 30's had colon cancer so had a colostomy*. So when they can't figure out why their metal detectors keep going off and they ask him to bend over behind the

It's too bad this is coming out in Feb. My local Drive in theater would be the PERFECT place to see this. Oh well.

Release the Hounds!

@CopterBob: Oh well, atleast at the end of it all there is a blast down the open road in a Lotus 7 waiting.

@CopterBob: What about Large white spheres? Atleast then Number Six might have a chance against Rover.

@chetcpo: Remember, strollers for small children come with instructions/warnings saying "Remove child before folding."

Gawker media, please buy this vehicle as the Official Jalopnik mobile command vehicle.