
So you’re the kid at the end of the video who looks pretty pissed off?

Why does she have to drag Janet Reno into this? That woman is a saint!

I have a bad habit of scrolling to the comments section of every article I read. I stopped doing that after reading AV Club articles because of the same crap you describe.

Will The A.V. Club still have those awesome articles about Donald Trump every hour on the 15 and 45? Because Donald Trump was once a reality TV host and therefore everything he does as President totally qualifies as pop culture, right?!

The last time somebody told me to “bring my balls” was in 2007. Ten years later I’m married to her and we have four kids.

After watching this, and getting all the feels, I wish the internet was only stuff like this.

Well I guess throw me into that group of people whose premiums skyrocketed as a direct result of the ACA. Prior to that point my insurance premiums went up by maybe 3-5% per year. When it went into effect, my plan was discontinued (even though it was not catastrophic insurance) and I was forced to find a new plan. I

I know many people who do the same thing. Their insurance premiums got to a point where they decided to just “risk it” and pay the tax penalty. If mine go up any more, I’ll be in the same boat.

I understand that. I’ve never had Obamacare. As a small business owner, buying insurance on the open market is my only option. But the new rules and regulations put into place by Obamacare have made my open market insurance premiums increase exponentially.

I’m actually in that company myself. My insurance premiums have increased by over 200% for worse insurance coverage since Obamacare went into effect. If it goes up any more, I probably won’t be able to afford health insurance any longer. I’ve been seriously struggling with my political position for a year now because

I bet Jared Kushner has great business cards. I bet they are subtly off-white and tastefully thick. They probably even have a watermark.

You sure have a fun way of taking a nice, personal story and turning it negative. Sure, there are some very large issues (racism in America) involved in the story. But to me, this was a great story about two men feeling empathy for each other, and an incredibly gracious response by Carter. Of course Carter didn’t have

You guys are all missing the boat here if they want an African American genie. I mean, Sinbad should be playing the genie, right?

Unless they wear a skirt, I guess? Isn’t it a bit easier just to lift the skirt and drop your underwear to sit down on the toilet? I admit that women who wear dress pants don’t have the luxury of using the fly, but if it were socially acceptable I’d much rather just wear a loose fitting skirt and let the wind flow up

You and I must wear our dress clothes differently. If I fish through my zipper, there’s no need to lift my undershirt, shirt, or tie. They usually just stay in place. If I have to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants to get to my underwear, then I have a lot more work to get everything back into place. I guess to

This would be different though. It would be like loose briefs! I like where this is headed!

Wow, I’m honestly shocked at how much blowback you are getting for using the dick hole and the fly in your pants the way they were intended. I had no idea so many people went over the elastic instead. I work a job where dress-clothes are required and it would be a serious pain in the ass to have to undo my belt and

I’m going to ask a dumb question so go easy on me. When the Blue Jays paid $3.9 million for him as a prospect, does that money go to the player? That’s a lot of money for an 18 year old who might never see time in the major league. I have no idea who else that money would go to, but it just shocks me to pay that much

I realize I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it before I wrote the question, which is why I qualified it at the beginning. But the article only mentions the enema kit and doesn’t state explicitly how the procedure works. For some reason I read that she needed to replace the bacteria in her stomach and it

I realize I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it before I wrote the question, which is why I qualified it at the beginning. But the article only mentions the enema kit and doesn’t state explicitly how the procedure works. For some reason I read that she needed to replace the bacteria in her stomach and it