
So what you're saying is that her attorneys should submit a DMCA takedown notice based on a false assertion of copyright? That's a bit risky if they don't have any proof that she actually owns the copyright. Maybe her attorneys don't want to risk being sanctioned for asserting false claims. It may be a quick and easy

They also just did Sharknado 2 this week.

It may not be rape, but it's most likely unwanted sexual contact. Although opinions may differ on whether the assault was warranted, I hope that the beating makes that guy think twice before trying to do that again.

What case or statute are you citing? That may be the law when it comes to criminal statutes, but in a civil context it's a whole different ballgame.

I don't spend anywhere near that much on Overalls.

Good story. But I would have preferred to read a story about Harold Ramis.

You know what else these players could do? Get health insurance from an independent insurer like I do. I pay $150 a month and get decent insurance. And I didn't earn millions of dollars in my twenties. This is oversimplified math, but let's say these players set aside $72,000 from their total career earnings. At

Some of the stuff Sonnen has said in the past was stupid and probably racist, even if he was only doing it for the shock value. But your article here is no better than any of the "race baiting" you accuse Sonnen of doing. You seem to be the only one saying that Jon Jones is, in your words, the "uppity negro." I didn't