I just finished this, clocked a little bit more than 3 hours (according to the saves' timestamp). I might be an adventure game veteran but even for a "simple" game it's a little too much on the easy side.
I just finished this, clocked a little bit more than 3 hours (according to the saves' timestamp). I might be an adventure game veteran but even for a "simple" game it's a little too much on the easy side.
Purchase from: PlayStation Store | Wal-Mart
Wait, Aerith dies?!
Do you really need more than 64GB on your portable music/gaming device? Really?
I thought it's an update because the resolution Yoshida mentions isn't even achievable on the PSP's screen.
This means Vita is getting a new version of Remote Play that isn't just port of the PSP one (which ran at PSP resolution and didn't support the second stick natively). That's actually very good news :)
What's that photo at the top? Doesn't look like any iPod touch model, the only one that had a back facing camera also has a front facing one and the back is glossy...
"Released and remade"? Do you mean "had sequels"?
If you live in Europe the PSP version (Vita compatible) is on sale this week on the European PSN store for €4.99/£3.99 (~$6.2). Sale ends tomorrow, though, so grab it quickly. Totally worth it in my opinion.
There were a couple of ST games, they were bad.
They used image of the old version of the WiiPad (still getting used to the name). The new version has the NFC reader/writer just below the d-pad
I put this in the #tips section a couple of days ago but never got credited...
She's his wife, you know, it'd be hard for him to avoid her :)
Added, 2234-7495-8000
Feel free to add me, I've added fahey whoever I'll see here
I need some help from my fellow Kotakuites. Scribblenauts Remix has been on sale in the iOS store for a few days now, but for some odd reason the game isn't available on the Israeli store. If someone is willing to gift me the app, in return for a gifted similarly priced app ($0.99), I'd much appreciate it.
QA: "Sir, the PS3 version creates 5MB saves that affect performance"
Deja vu. I think by the end of Fallout 3 my save was around the 8MB mark.