
I finished RAGE on the PS# last night and enjoyed it quite well, played it on Nightmare (which is the highest difficulty) but it didn't feel hard at all (in fact I was thinking the difficulty changed at some point).

Why not? It shouldn't cost too much over the retail price in Europe, even after shipping costs

Licensing prevents Shinya Arino from being seen outside of North America.

Looks like a knock-off PS controller to me. Either way, DS2 was not wireless.

I sure can blame video games for my laziness :)

That's pirate translation for facebook, probably. Try it for some laughs

It does look nice, however I think the bike design would make your arms tired quickly, I can't imagine holding my arms this wide without any support for too long

Or Motorstorm, you know...

While AVW raises a good point, there is actually a "lightning hook" power in IF2 which is included in the CE and allows you to pull enemies towards you.

VideoGamesPlus already started pre-orders and has boxart for all 4 titles. Seems like a confirmed rumor for me #tips

I think R&C are owned by Sony (As well as J&D and the Sly characters), they already released a game with all of these characters, Playstation Move Heroes.

Nice, didn't remember that. Thanks :)

Nah, he's a famous writer around here, and his name hasn't changed since childhood. I recall he said during an interview once that one of his army commanders used to constantly say to him "you think that's gonna be a challenge for you", so you're not the first one to notice this pun :)

The first thing that came to mind when I read the description, couldn't remember the name though, thanks :)

Okami was developed by Clover Studios and published by Capcom

Me and my brother used to play a lot of Sierra adventure games at the time,, living in Israel meant support hot-lines were mostly out of question so we often mailed Sierra with questions.

Actually, there were a few Pokemon PC titles, specifically a Pokemon TCG title (play it)

Had no problem controlling on the iPod touch (4th gen), it does chug a little on my 3Gs though. I really like the fact the game can restore your progress by your Game Center achievement, this way I know if I ever get an iPad I wont have to start the game all over again

Dunno if this has been pointed out but Death Rally for iPhone/iPod/iPad (universal app) is free today (has been for the last few days and promotion supposedly ends today).

Until July 4th, to be exact. I'm not sure about the last date for Japanese accounts, though, since those don't have PSN access yet...