
That was a large apartment? What's a small apartment then?

"This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on shocking and disgusting content."

Wouldn't worry about down the road - this is the kind of model that gets resold a lot, methinks.

That's what happens when you give the first female captain a ship named after a minivan. No seriously though, I thought she did fine after being thrown halfway across the universe, especially with that kind of loser crew.

Maybe for most incompetent accent?

Gross - so, every time he shot one over someone's mouth or face, he was giving them a facial? My childhood is scarred.

Lots were funny but the only real effective one for me was the Mercedes one. I literally went "it's only $30k???" at the end, it looks much more expensive and the commercial did a great job selling it. Makes me want to look into it, which makes the commercial effectiveness an A+ in my book.

Imagine if iMan ran on iOS6, and his navigation software kept sending him to the wrong place?

Even before that, when he tackled the first woman, that would have crushed her ribs. He is a flying suit of metal after all, it's not like getting sacked by a pillow.

The real question is, why is Spider-Milhouse's ass smoking?

Wyatt, I mean, Tombstone.

"Gross" was my first impression as well. Reminds me of the somewhat cute girl at work who didn't take care of herself, still has a pretty face but her ass blew up.

Seriously? That sucks! I thought they obtained the rights to them though, in the instruction manual it had "Spiderman and Batman are trademarks of Marvel and DC".

Me too - for a video game movie it did its job decently, because let's be honest, a bald guy wearing a blood red tie and a barcode on the back of his head isn't exactly subtle in the game either. But I like that they didn't shy away from the R-ratedness of how the game is.

I already joined Cobra years ago, because Baroness.

Yea, what was the deal with that? I didn't question it one bit when I was a kid, but that strikes me as extremely odd that you had to fight Spiderman and Batman - from two different comic book worlds.

If you look closely at DFW, you'll see one fervent dot of Honolulu Blue among all that Cowboy grey. I gotta like more Lions stuff on Facebook!

Strangely, the Dallas cheerleaders are not called the Cowgirls, they're called the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. What a mouthful.

I'm looking at the sellouts in the lower left corner of the state as well. If you like the Bears that much, GTFO of Michigan and move there!

If you've got a PS3 pick up a copy of Heavenly Sword - she voices the lead, a hot redhead swinging a big sword. Great VO job.