
Come on, you've hummed along to "How You Remind Me", don't lie...

Don't go in thinking you're watching a documentary. It's fun, mindless entertainment centered less and less on the cars. The last one was decent enough as its own movie, let alone a F&F movie.

Like any true Jalop, we start measuring ungodly sums of money in how many cars that could buy. Like, say, my high school tuition could have been better spent on a Viper.

What the fuck is she talking about. Oh, Shakespeare? Must be smart /rollseyes

I love checking out planes in this boneyard on Google Earth. For something fun, put these coordinates into GoogleMaps:

Aren't the mascara vents under the taillights functional? If this is real, where does that vent to?

Well, he's got a flight suit and an ejector seat/jetpack...

Tastes changed, thank god. Still the best exchange in the movie:

Since you know this stuff, stupid question time, do my Xenon headlights on my car follow that philosophy? Because I swore that I read in the manual where it says to not turn on and off the lights repeatedly as it could wear down life or something.

I don't mind the black A-pillar like some people, but black really does look best on the C7. For one, uniform body color, and two, it removes the drippy-mascara look of the taillights.

While that makes sense, it's almost anti-common sense - wouldn't turning on/off that many times wear the bulb down? I know it doesn't.

Like others, I never found her that attractive. Long hair and not-fat body I guess goes a long way when there's a dearth of "talent".

That makes sense. I played the games as they came out over the years, and the PSP ones just recently so the story's not sticking to me like it should as far as chronology. Loved them all though.

The shitty/awesome music is always the cream filling to the donut that is russian dash cam videos. Speaking of russian music, what was that group who filmed a music video in their car? The three hot lesbians who flashed their panties and blew a lollipop wearing a condom?

Especially when they let you slo-mo the death cam while you continued to pump lead into a falling body

Ironically, in one of the PSP prequels you work to try to save Helios after he falls into Hades. Guess no love lost there.

Nemo's expression is even more priceless than Woody's...

Not only that, he can actually bend it in his grip...

I's a special thing when I can tell exactly what my dog's thinking by how fast her tail is going and what position her ears are in.

Yea, I think we're at a common denominator type explanation now. Agreed, Moore is more wholesome but who wants that.