

That's from The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe.

Wait...which one's Iceman?

"They are all women or gay guys? So FOX sees gay guys as women. "

Sluttier? Wasn't the reason her last relationship failed because she wouldn't put out?

The way they cut the song to extend the "taller" and "baller" lyrics is really throwing me off.

Hence, the door slam cut.

Does this mean someone can resurrect the Red Faction franchise? I actually enjoyed it, in all its iterations.

Very well put.

But, innovation or GTFO bro? Things need to be as complicated as possible, in the name of simplicity! Which always works exactly as spec'ed out!

I look at that face and LOL comes to mind. Also, the awful mazdas of the previous gen styling.

Indeed. Stranded world? "Shaka, when the clothes fell..."

^this. The same auteur who wrote the line "I don't like sand. I like soft things."

If you find a full pan when you get back, what do you do?

Alien 4 sucked primarily because of the fact that it was developed as a comedic take first, then turned serious. The plot and acting hence was all over the place.

I'm hopeful. They've already proven that they can pass a fake-Arnold much more effectively than a fake Jeff Bridges - maybe because he didn't actually have to talk, just frown and throw Christian Bale around.

I just assumed that everyone tracked their own fuel mileage. I'm getting around 18.4 on my Charger, while the EVIC reads 19.8. And yes, for some reason it's built into my brain to run as dry as possible, and I don't understand why, especially with potential fuel pump failures.

Forget the inception egg, where did he get that egg rack? That would look great in my kitchen and encourage me to eat more eggs (because who has the time to open the fridge.)

I love Grumpy Cat. Why are you grumpy? What happened to make you so? Cheer up.

She'll probably be like "use this medspray that Dr. Crusher developed, there you can see...STICK TO THE SCRIPT!"