
Seems legit, makes sense. Also someone else said Shhh for "shipping lanes."

Playing through GOW Origins right now on the PS3. I'm actually kind of amazed that through 5 games which are almost exactly the same, it's still entertaining. It's a good formula.

Kratos does the nailing. And red orbs usually explode out of the bedroom.

First thing I thought. If it doesn't serve a purpose then its just...there. And if that's the case I'd rather have a Viper front end fabricated, something exciting than just an M3.

Good catch, I thought it sounded familiar.

Usually, I'd be siding with this view, that people shouldn't legislate things for other people just because they don't like it. But unlike almost any other hot topic, like gay marriage, gun control, etc, there's really no plausible or rational argument to make for having these apps. They're just racist.

So's fried chicken, but it's no less a stereotype or racist.

I'm with you, wtf. McDonald's breakfast is the least favorite thing I like about them.

Wouldn't "misconception" be a more accurate description?

Why would you want that? Brake drifts are not a two-person affair.

What a fantastic character, whose nature lends himself naturally to all these crossovers. Shining and Soundwave are the best!

No diecast is this detailed, not even Autoart. Either that or tilt-shift photography is leaps and bounds above what I know.

"With the settlement, Lambert agreed not to appear in commercials related to "any other video game or computer entertainment system or video game company" for two years."

Why don't we ever get this crack journalism at your sister sites? Over on Kotaku today they made an entire article about gifs of a woman spinning in one place. They called it amazing.

Stopped at the 1 min mark because fuck this guy, I won't support his insane risky ways.

My favorite lines from this series:

My favorite rage inducers are "aa" and "sh". SH?!? There's not even a fucking vowel in that.

Random thought: playing White Wedding in Guitar Hero is annoying. Easy song, but the repeated beats wreak havoc on the drums.

I love the theory that they did it to send Meryl undercover with Daryl. I didn't get a wisp of that watching the finale.