
I've independently wondered about this exact scenario when watching movies about colonial times, like The Patriot: you've got guys lining up taking turns taking shots at each other, what would happen if an Apache swooped in and cleaned up shop?

What an excellent actor he is. Hidden away in that Observer was a lot of talent.

Don't forget the dump truck! zOMG

Only if you cut him off in traffic. GO LIONS

The new Superman is British too, Henry Cavill. Superman!

This article was so dry it was almost British.

I'd be pissed if I came home and some lady was spinning in my moped parking spot. WTF get out of here, you don't have a permit.

1, M1, 3, M3, 4, M4, 5, 5GT, M5, 6, M6, 6GC, M6GC, 7, 7 Alpina. I started this as an exercise to see how many iterations I could come up with with just their cars, but I gave up. I left the convertibles out. There's some serious overlap there.

I hear ya. I guess I put more blame on the simpleminded folks that allow themselves to get brainwashed, unless they're actually strapping innocent people down and washing their brains.

A couple random thoughts:

I read it through the first time thinking, "what is he talking about? It looks like a production vehicle." Someone sat on my sarcasm meter, it's broken.

No matter how hard a plastic looks, the airbag goes through it like tissue paper.

Yea articles like this really bring out the freak in him, but I can easily divest myself of his personal life when watching him on screen, because he brings it pretty much every time. I'm a fan. His personal life? Who cares, its weird because its not like you and me but to each their own.

Huh, didn't notice it till now: is that a digital display below the right passenger A/C vent for dual zone climate control? Interesting decision to remove it from the center console.


Is this only the second car since the 370Z with a rev-matching manual? I don't seem to recall any other cars since the Nissan with this feature?

Is...that a twitter hashtag on its bumper? sigh...

Is it me or did it get a little taller or bigger? Greenhouse looks huge in the second pic, headlights look huge in the first.

The new Viper looks the least busy - and therefore the most sexy. No vents or hard edges everywhere, just voluptuous curves and organic lines.

Was I the only one pissed off that they kept switching from the 2011+ Chargers to the 2010- chargers? Even in the same scenes (night racing the 4 cars)? You can tell by the headlights and the hoffmeister-kink-like fold near the rear window. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!