Is this only the second car since the 370Z with a rev-matching manual? I don't seem to recall any other cars since the Nissan with this feature?
Is...that a twitter hashtag on its bumper? sigh...
Is it me or did it get a little taller or bigger? Greenhouse looks huge in the second pic, headlights look huge in the first.
The new Viper looks the least busy - and therefore the most sexy. No vents or hard edges everywhere, just voluptuous curves and organic lines.
Was I the only one pissed off that they kept switching from the 2011+ Chargers to the 2010- chargers? Even in the same scenes (night racing the 4 cars)? You can tell by the headlights and the hoffmeister-kink-like fold near the rear window. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!
I lol'ed, even though I shouldn't /chinese
God, even the LEDs are the same. GM, knowing that they completely copied the Viper, couldn't have put it above the eyes instead of under?
Fun fact, that entire scene was ad libbed and riffed by the actors. Their laughter is genuine as they tried to crack each other up.
Relax - last I checked, the chief of the Science and Space Branch at the WH Office of Management and Budget didn't run the damn country
^this. I'd say with the amount of time/effort/cost put into it, they're dead serious about it, and have no sense of humor.
This Passat is so boring to look at, it offends my eyes. Makes a Camry look like an Aventador by comparison.
Stay strong. I tried to fight it but it eventually got to me and now I can't help but like the original. Spoofs make me cringe though.
If only reading was, I don't know, fundamental
I know that feel bro. That's why commenters on Jalopnik are mostly awesome.
God, this video was half as short and 10 times better than the trash posted in the article
Welcome to the ongoing debate of visual vs interactive media. For some reason, entertainment which the user actively partakes in as opposed to just watching/listening gets hit with the blame/banhammer much more.
I love these NMA videos. I hear that it's an American guy who writes them though.
I've never seen so many white girls in a fast food joint as I do in the first two.
Nice, you must be a writer. All this from a Japanese pizza article.