
I went Holy moley when I saw those tail lights. Must be a bitch to ship aftermarket.

I like it. And if you squint, it looks almost exactly like a flattened Neon SRT4.

Yes I am, on PS3. I did research and tried some of the solutions, but it didn't fix it really, and I already had 80+ hours logged on my save file. And there were fixed freezes like Anchorage DLC where I just couldn't advance past a certain point no matter what happened. So frustrating, because it really is a

They actually turned me on to Oasis - the scene when Charlie plays Wonderwall on the street.

No thanks - unless Bethesda does an entire overhaul of their game engine, or fix whatever the hell is responsible for all those freezes and glitches, I'm passing. I bought Fallout 3 GOTY a couple weeks ago looking forward to continuing my 3-yr old save from FO3, and the game is damn near unplayable. Lockups every

Probably aftermarket on both.

Guns too, don't forget guns

The closest they came to explaining it, during a training montage, was that using a bow and arrow trains concentration, patience and focus. But I agree, it's bullshit - see, Hawkeye (The Avengers).

Good catch. And was that the best way to break off arrows embedded in your back? I imagine it'd dig the shit out of your shoulder, even if it did work.

But, hey, you guessed it correctly. What would bother me about camera rig cars is, they're supposed to simulate speed during a speed chase, not actually go as fast as a Panamera can. I feel bad for the poor camera guy sitting on the boom.

All in one take too - I hope for Amell's sake that was the first and only take.

So THATs why it looks like a kit car.

Wow, a quick scan of the comments shows most people agree that this light is useless? I would have thought the opposite. Yea, it doesn't show you which tire is leaking, but take the 30 seconds to check the tires yourself. And if they're fine, then one of the sensors are malfunctioning, go get it checked.

I came to say the same thing. I don't care if it's her, Kate Upton or Cameron from House, hot blond women are never a bad thing.

Is that some kind of bbq sandwich in pic #4? Looks delicious, even with the giant wedge of lettuce!

Gross, imagine where that "pillow" has been. Actually you don't need to imagine, there's video.

If Ma Hong clicked on that link and started earning $65 an hour, she'll have her characters back in no time

Aim for her exhaust hole for maximum impact. /leavingnow

O yea. Forgot about that. I'm just remembering how they managed to find one continuous clear path through a highway's worth of stalled cars while escaping from the aliens.

I drove a Murcielago roadster once - I know exactly what he means by "that sound". Hearing a V12 go full roar behind your right ear is a treat indeed.