
Can you add Sookie as an honorary 11th character to die? Not just die, but suffer while doing so?

Too cute - his name means "Little Present" in Mandarin.

How? He's getting his ass kicked by his own set of hitmen.

Didn't learn from BO1, Activision? You saw fit to include this feature yet again and are now dealing with crybabies from both camps. Your own fucking fault, deal with it - if you give degenerates the power to do so, they will draw penises.

Nice touch with the purple keyboard.

Hot. I don't play Skyrim, are modern day bikini's part of the wardrobe you can acquire? Also, she looks too much like Kristen Stewart in the screen shot above to fap to.

Strange, I don't remember Kitana having a Kardashian-level ass.

Will they have a Skyler doll who apathetically sits there and judges the other action figures, but makes stupid choices and no one likes her? I hate Skyler.

Yea, spoiler alert - if I had known about that before seeing it, I'dve been pissed/sad. One of the top 5 scenes in TV history as far as I'm concerned.

Shut up and take my money!!!

Spoiler alert: it's not the dive that produces the sound, it's an eagle.

Especially when you consider this is before the rag-doll physics era, which meant they had to animate her legs splayed out. Consciously, someone thought, "when she breaks her neck on a swan dive, she should present herself to the player."

Ahh, internet. Never change.

It does kill the replay value a bit. I wish there was a bit more story to it too, but I think they were trying to sway people over to the MP side more.

As random as it gets. The Most Wanted intros are great though, the respective OEMs should use those in their showrooms.

Not until just now.

I rode on one of these for the first time a couple wknds ago. A couple minutes of adjustment, then it was second nature. Pretty fun, and did not care that I may have looked like a d-bag.

It's more of an inside joke for them - they make fun of the fact that Foster rides around on one all the time.

Can you ask the interviewer for her number Arian? So hot.

Flipped title pic is flipped. Why not just show the Camaro driving right-to-left like it originally was?