
No more Tebow either. What the hell's going on with the QB situation in NY?

If you haven't yet, "like" Takei on Facebook. He's hilarious but serious when he needs to be. Very cool guy.

So you immediately dump your friends when they do something which they regret and apologize for? Nice friend.

So it's really the Owl that's Built Ford Tough?

Yes, that would be a worse thing. Luckily, Kotaku's got pages and pages of hot cosplay girls who outnumber the bigger ones by far.

Well...there's worse things than that, amiright?

So does this game (or DayZ) have actual missions, that you can team up with others to complete? Is there an "ending" so to speak, or are they just open ended? And is the stand-alone DayZ coming to PS3?

Can we forget this movie ever happened? Every time I see a trailer for Man of Steel or load up Infamous 2, I get reminded of this abortion.

Disney can't even bring the rest of the Marvel universe under its folds, I'm not holding out hope.

Bummer, thought when the title said "how to deal with slow internet", it meant how to fix it, not how to accomodate around it. And yes, after unplugging/plugging in the router I'm fresh out of ideas.

TL;DR. But I feel like we will stop seeing black vs white vs asian vs latino when we finally discover an extraterrestrial civilization, at which point it becomes humans vs. aliens. Then, the world government makes sense.

Dude, both of those are wife's choices. She reneged out of watching Walking Dead after I watched those two for her...divorce!

Seconded. Straight guy here, and no watching this does not make you gay. Absolutely correct that the dancing and stripping was the most interesting thing in this, as the rest of the movie - acting, story, lighting, etc - was awful.

The hit and dragged/caught part I get, I just wonder how they knew that the driver got out and removed her from the car, as opposed to her finally falling off the car. Because that seems especially cruel and there were no witnesses.

Now, hang on - and I'm not a criminal investigator - but my first thought would be she was hit, dragged, then disengaged from the car at speed. I'm looking for the evidence where they seem to be sure that the driver slowed down, stopped, REMOVED her heartlessly, then kept going. It's because of that cruelty which is

Sad story. I'm sure the evidence bears it out but do we know how they know for sure that the driver stopped, pulled her to the side, left her then sped away? Because it's one of the sensational factors of this case which makes it all the more horrible, I'm just wondering how they knew.

SRT. Because they make a singular kind of car/truck, and I'd have an awesome boss.

If nothing else, you have to appreciate that they engineered it so pervs can pretend they're either getting a blowie or using it as a fake vag.

I have no idea who she is either, but with hotties like that running around, no wonder everyone's joining the Dark Side. Starkiller's pilot was pretty smokin too.

:( I'm already confused. Which one's coming to PS3?