
Same...great memories, we'd have all night school-sanctioned (not really) CS marathons in the comp labs on campus. Sleep? That's for pussies.

I just love when comic book news made actual news. Like, CNN, or your local 10 o'clock news. I still remember when Superman died, or when Captain America died. They stayed dead didn't they? I do burnouts "to help the economy"

So, note to all college folks - don't go down on your gf.

Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. Oil practically grows on trees here.

I know right. I filled up on 87 for $2.89 a gallon in these here DFW areas.


Wow, just googled and found out. What a bullshit explanation, I did not pick up on this at all:

Speaking of random things from Fringe's past, did they ever explain who the guy was in the zeppelin, who Olivia said was the person who would kill her? I can't remember if they ever tied that up.

Why do old-ass movies' title cards always do a somersault in the beginning? Anyone else notice that?

Thanks for this, I actually remember reading this exact flyer and circling all the Ultimate MK3s for purchase. Great times...

In theory, teasers drive demand and interest. In practice, most people are going "FUCK ENOUGH ALREADY". The Viper ones were next to useless, and these are no better.

^this. Everyone should watch Crossing Over, she spends much of the movie nude. (Also being forced to do things for a green card, so you won't feel good after watching it, but whatever, bewbs)

I think Autoblog blew the cover off of it a few months back

Speaking of Batman and cars, I love the fact that in the third movie, Wayne asks Alfred if they have any cars left, establishing that he's been hibernating the last 8 years and doesn't know. Cut to him driving away in an Aventador, which can only mean one thing: Alfred, in his spare time, used Wayne money to go buy

I'm just shocked these dudebros shot in landscape instead of vertical.

Love it or hate it, he knows his social media. Hell, he even tagged Jalopnik in the second tweet, to make sure you guys wrote this exact article.

Yea I call bullshit. He needs to prove his wealth by having naked girls draped over said cars. Then and only then will I believe him.

Ah I see, thanks

Yikes. Here in DFW they don't really care, get to rural Texas Hill Country though and they start pulling you over for no front plates.