
Is Japan really stringent about that? Because half the states here are two-plates but I don't run them on my cars.

Same in TX, and both cars I've purchased here have had them already attached, I refused to accept delivery until they took it to the body shop and filled in the holes proper. I hope that is an underside attachment, otherwise it's straight drilled into the bumper.

You mean the effect which turns males (and certain females) into drooling idiots when near lovely, lovely mammaries? Yea, I misread it too.

Depends, did you find the original dude in the "My Body Is Ready" meme sexual? Or is this a reflection of your tastes and preferences? You just got Rorschach'ed!

Ugh, already comes from the factory with the front plate pre-drilled? What if the buyer didn't want it on?

Haters gonna hate, also jealous gonna...jeal?

What is ISOFIX? A new version of LATCH?

Because the pics suddenly dovetailed into Lollipop Chainsaw cosplay. No problem here.

Earlier today before Connecticut, a madman slashed 22 kids at a Chinese school. Thankfully no one died, but some have severe injuries.

Not sure about China's gun laws, but earlier today a madman slashed 2o+ kids at a Chinese school with a knife.

That's inbetween figuring out who puts their foot forward, then alternate, then the first person again, right? Just to walk.

I'm sure they'll explain why in the movie but having one person controlling only one half seems like a terrible coordination co-op UI. Seems unnecessarily complex.

I think the fact that he a) falls to a stop at least 20 feet from the truck and b) the horse's legs are tied together during the slide is indisputable evidence that Bollywood is AWESOME

Did someone explain that turtles don't mold breasts out of their stomach plates?

He burns out...right through the stone gates too. That would make me clench up.

Hi everybody!

That's an amazing trailer!

Grips better than leather too, for those speed turns.

Seriously? New Chargers have them too. And it gets your ass hot QUICK.

Tell me that's not the Kaiju or some other monster rising out of the depths at the 1:55 mark