
I love that deep, hollow glacier cracking sound. Sounds so otherworldly and epic to me.

Those look like the headlights from the previous gen S-class. Seriously MB, design regression?

One look? ONE LOOK? Great reference sir

First thing I thought of too. And is building giant robots just to have a slugfest with a kaiju really the most effective method?

Amazing Mao is amazing.

Did he speak at the end of the Avengers? Also, was he in Star Trek (looks like Romulan markings from 2009?)

I like Kim Jong Un's "why me" look

There's no Tim Burton here, so why is Bonham Carter in this movie? Is she contractually obligated to appear in everything Depp does?

God damn it I love those books. Reminds me of my warm and fuzzy childhood.

Amazing that I could tell it was Trejo from the thumbnail pic, purely based on the bags under his eyes. He might be one of the ugliest actors in Hollywood, but consistently the most badass.

I think successful troll is successful.

At least the ratio's right

The Baroness and the two foot soldier chicks look like they're up for a good time

Is there such a thing as a medium simmer? I was cooking a Hamburger Helper last night for the first time and my wife informed me that to "simmer" means the lowest setting.

True, you're right about the Avengers, that was a perfect mix of serious and silly. I think it's a reflection of the times that it's more difficult to sell a wholesome, All-American perfect icon like's almost like there has to be some flaw to be relatable. In any case, hoping for the best from this

You and I watched the same movie but came away with seriously different opinions. It felt not like a reboot of Superman but a remake of a Christopher Reeve era Superman. Dark doesn't mean emo, dark to me means serious - and Dark Knight movies show that it works and is entertaining.

So I guess he wasn't actually robbing a bank - just being thrown into one really hard.

This - I had that comic, and always thought it was pretty cool. I believe he was at Lois's apt, and a helicopter was waiting on the roof while he cleaned up.

You got that though in Superman Returns, and it wasn't great. Frankly, I think some dark will do him good.

Maybe they're showing that Clark grown up becomes the man he is in spite of how his human father's values skewed. That could be an interesting arc.