
But Christopher Nolan more than outweighs that I think.

The movie Surrogates kind of explored this. Kind of. Then, splosions and Bruce Willis happened.

That's what she said

What accent is Will Smith going for there? I can't place it.

Wily Coyote is right. All this Rube Goldberg-esque planning leads him nowhere, when he could very easily have popped up wherever Widmark was not expecting him, snap his neck and be done with it. Instead, he allows him to know that he has Observer tech, and is watching him on two occasions while doing nothing. That

Ooh that gave me chills in the theater...

Jack Harper? Jack Reacher? Stacey Jaxx? Hmm......

This tank needs a Kevin Butler commercial...wait is he still Sony VP of Awesome Things?

I'm assuming any automaker or one-off designer needs to get DC's permission before plastering the Bat logo everywhere?

I don't get the hype either. But you know what, I'm sensing a theme, in that people who were huge fans of Bioshock 1's "style" can't wait for this game. I'm like you, meh, first game was alright but nothing special.

So basically, the PS3 Resistance games for TV?

Sigh, with that paunch you just know it's in Florida

So that's the reality nowadays - rather than call the cops, EVERYONE FILM. In other news, there's a Jalopnik Brasil? I wonder how their version of Scaycog's COTD ladies turn out.

Why not? It looks like rock growth on the buildings. If the Scavs somehow manipulate earth into solid growth, instant waterfall.

I actually think those two are kind of similar...but get your drift. Thanks

Sounds awesome. Kudos to you for sticking through Smallville...I wanted to insert needles into my eyes, but I like to see.

Sounds good, will give it a shot, thanks.

Thanks...sounds very promising. As much as people bemoan how certain properties shouldn't go the grittier route (Man of Steel) I think heroes with grey morals are infinitely more interesting.

To people who watch Arrow: this article mentions Smallville but doens't quite compare the two. I haven't read any recaps but how does the two compare? I'd love to start watching but not if it's going to suck like Smallville after season 5 or so. (I quit mid-season 6 I think, the one with Supergirl)

Sexism, racism, pedophilia, beastiality, fucking your mom. This is why I mute each and every last mic when I play online, which is getting increasingly rare because of shit like this.