
Always read the comments before watching videos longer than 60 seconds. Dammit, I'm better than this.

Better call Saul.

As with anything, they use control groups and identify one vs the other. In this case, the faces the young group identified as risky, the older ones did not. Doesn't sound complete to me, too many variables.

Keep em coming! You do great, humanitarian work.

Sorry to hear about your aunt. Yea, it could be an almost infinite number of factors, from instinct to upbringing to mental capacity. A big problem I have with a lot of studies I read (not from journals but from like, Yahoo news and blurbs) is that they almost present it as a causation. And the first rule drilled

They're just using the faces as an indicator of risk, and seeing what part of the brain lights up. And as with many experiments, they pepper the article with non-commital idenfiers like "seems" and "may cause" and "likely". Nothing definitive, but worth thinking about.

Where do you find these? You know what, not sure if want to know.

Holy crap from the thumbnail I thought you guys 'shopped a rasta wig on Adam Carolla. I was like "he's not greek"

He must not have opened up his eyes and saw the sign.

Sigh I was hoping it wasn't the D but, you're right, you're right /facepalm. I don't remember ever seeing one of these kinds of car washes in MI though.

This is a fun exercise but until we know in what capacity Olde Xavier and Magneto are used in, kind of null. And it's the easiest explanation: alternate future/timeline. Answers every single question ever.

Why didn't he bring back the organic circutry tech that Voyager was filled with? Besides a random infection here or there, the worst that happens is you get oozed on.

I'll allow that the 5-sp in my Charger is archaic in design, but there's nothing there which doesn't allow me to enjoy the car. Press gas -> torque -> moderate for slow traffic. Especially since a recent TCU upgrade, which literally breathed new life into the car. And how about the 8-speeds? It's seamless when it

You heard it here first (and last): Picard from the alternate timeline. I got a strong Patrick Stewart vibe from the monologue.

Camaro. Performance-wise too similar to call it, so creature comforts and looks go to Camaro. No telescoping steering column in the 'Stang kills it for me, I never got comfortable in it.

This +100. Forget the haters who keep crying about no manual, as if that's the be-all/end-all of automotive enjoyment. Get with the times: manuals are going away, and while it was fun and still can be, if an automatic suddenly saps your will to drive, there's plenty of Segways available.

It does sound seriously gross, I agree.

I won't be needing any kind of self-dissolving condoms, that ish comes off right after the horizontal mambo's done.

You kidding? I consider my encyclopedic knowledge of porn a badge of honor. The more you know.