
I'd smack my kid if she started using internet shorthand in everyday speech. OMG and oh my god have the same number of syllables, just say the damn words.

Hahah nice. I think if you remove the "fishies" comment, you've already got the audio for that future video.

Gross. No one liked the 5-GT, and this one looks bloated too.

Well, I'd say they ruined their goodwill by all this premature trumpeting. I don't know anyone here who doesn't have a sour taste in their mouths every time they read one of these articles.

"Junk in the boot" just doesn't have quite the same ring to it. Makes me think she got big feet.

Even though it's not in Florida, can we get that bugs gif on here? I feel like that's transcended state borders and is now representative of all Florida-type activity.

I've never heard that before - do you know what countries are allotted how many carriers?

Nope, I read that removing the reactors means essentially prying the ship open, making it unsuitable for refit or museum duty. Pity...

Yea, half the cosplay pics pick good locations, others seem to find an apartment pool, or a convention hall staircase (Morrigan)

Weirdest boner, etc. Did Ms. Hitler gain the powers of levitation in the sex change op? How is she sitting on nothing?

Also some camel action down below.

Thanks for the heads up! Clicking now. /bossbedamned

Does he have a "kick me" on his back, like the real MW2 Juggs?

Dunno what's going on with this video but when I have to put in my birthday THREE TIMES (and the last time, it's not letting me scroll to my year), the video can screw off.

PS3 does this far more often than Xbox. Medal of Honor, Dead Space, Assassin's Creed all had previous versions attached.

Still, left hand, passenger, what

I do! But seeing as how Twitter still exists, it must mean I failed. Or I had to take my mom to the ball so she could meet my dad, hate when that happens.

Awesome. Now that we've identified exactly when that first tweet was, we can show up 5 min before that and erase Twitter from history. TO THE TIME MACHINE

I read a different article today which stated that certain characters and the ending would be changed, with King's blessings. To that I say KUDOS, the book's ending was disappointing. Wish it stayed with Showtime though, there's some dark stuff in this book and they won't carry over to CBS.

So does this mean James Badge Dale isn't the guy in the suit? For the record, I thought Rebecca Hall was the worst part of The Town, an otherwise awesome movie...hope she is better here.