
Truly amazing how many people misunderstood this. It's an airport in Moscow, how are they NOT going to kill Russians? Plus that's the whole point, kill Russians and blame the US.

I think you're giving them waaay too much credit. There wasn't a flash or anything else to hint that the timeline's been changed. They explained how it failed due to Peter's incorrect assumption that he could tell if the captive Observer was lying or not (got played).

Yea, I was going to ask, who put that up and how did they do it? A bunch of posters is easily explainable, even overnight, but you need a crane to get up to that height.

I'm going to assume that sex scene in an early trailer was the "sexy, mysterious" Citra? In my opinion, there's not enough sex in games. If you're a fucking badass mowing down an island's worth of pirates, of COURSE you're gonna bone the hot chick.

I'm more shocked that people still play Rock Band. Now they should release Gangham Style, and teach everyone Korean.

DAT MIRANDA. I love how her scepter is the Cerberus logo.

Wii has it? Yea, I just don't get it. It's been in IW's games since MW, and yet even after tons of message boards asking for it, Treyarch refuses to put in a persistent option.

Well? Any video of it driving off the building?

You and me both. Nothing on the box or the insert mentioned anything about it being a launch-weekend deal. And this back and forth and Chaos Moshpit nonsense is asinine...Treyarch get your heads out of your asses. The fact that you still can't mute all mics from the options page, and have to mute in-game and on the

Nope, there was an ESPN feature article which pretty much confirmed that what you see is what you get. Sex with her is probably timed and sponsored.

Heartthrob? You're right I guess, I get heartburn every time I read about her bitchy fights or sideswipes on the track.

Yea......I didn't wake up this morning thinking by afternoon, I'd be analyzing which bones fit into a woman's hoo-hah or other nether regions either........

/involuntary wince

Did they mention why there were no traces of clothes or bones or anything which would have identified Lori?

Also Carol was clearly conscious - she couldn't make one sound except feebly kick at the door? Any spoken word at all would do.

That prosthetic makes her look like a conehead.

Actually, besides the skull and the shoulder blades, probably all of them. (And if the skull fits...oh my)

Muy bueno...I like

I am thankful for my 2011 Charger R/T. Because in this EV and hybrid day and age, you can still get a RWD with a big honking 5.7L V8 and "I'm going to kill you" looks for under $30k, with excellent build quality and no compromises. These times, they won't last...

So the real question is why? Why get rid of it after launch weekend? I see that it's available in custom matches but no one I know play that way - so why remove it?