
"It's like her whole face is chewing gum"

I read the title as "the coolest auto trains that Ferrari ever built" and was like lol wut?

I feel really fucking old now. No, it really doesn't seem that long ago, but 9 years... O_o

Oh dude...too early for I have too

Seeing as how I've only heard of two of those, I believe you're right!

BB had it for $20 recently, it should be that low again.

Yes - I actually played it through twice back to back, and there are subtle things to pick up on. Just the level of detail of how worn out and battle-scarred they get, as well as how his decisions start turning them down that path (ie white phosphorus)...I dunno, it's been awhile since a game has stuck with me like

Thank you for circling!

I know that now there's a "mute all but party" button on the game menus, but Treyarch, what the fuck, why won't you allow me to shut off all mics so I don't ever have to select it again? I prefer not to have fucking 12 year olds insult my mother or my wife when I play a damn game. Infinity Ward figured this out way

Spec Ops: The Line for $15. This has got to be one of the most underrated games ever. Control mechanics aren't the greatest but its presentation and story is one of the best I've seen in a long time.

UT Austin girls putting themselves through school? What race, I'm in!

I kinda dug it. It was way too easy and graphics sucked but it had tie-ins to the movies at the height of their popularity.

When will automakers learn. We've already reached a maximum saturation point of user preference in vehicles - on paper all these functions on one screen sounds great and useful but in reality, people like their tactile buttons and displays, especially when driving. They don't want to navigate a million different

I gotta think that they have weight restrictions, even if it fits in a standard 22in carry-on roller? Would you want an engine block sitting above your head?

The little red spec about redshirt dude? Elmo looking up with his mouth open? Maybe I just really want to see Elmo. Err...wait never mind.

10) isn't really an option though...replacement cost is a whole other matter, or QoTD?

There was a GI Joe movie? /erased from memory

He looks like he's getting ready for a penalty kick.

Reminds me of the Spiderman and Superman car toys you find in stores. Um, they swing/fly respectively, why would they need to sit in traffic? Batman has a Batmobile because he doesn't swing/fly/teleport.

All those british accents. So sexy.