
I don't know that most people get demotivated because they don't "get" anything. If anything, you prestige and you keep leveling up, and it's fun. Especially for MP, there's no real end goal besides improving your K/D ratio.

Haha @ the trollfaces at the end. Does this mean the mall cop allowed them to use his face? Also, what's with the giant dildo at the beginning, is this Metal Gear or Saints Row 3?

I hear that. Although doorbusters at Target and BB have the 250 GB PS3 deal whereas Wal-mart has the 120 GB bundle all day. So, YMMV.

For those who aren't able to save those special game files without Playstation Plus, I'll share my quick experience. YLOD happened to my Fat PS3 while playing GOW2 (PS2 edition), and I was able to coax it back here and there using a table fan blowing into the vents. When death appeared imminent, I bought a new PS3, having your daughter covered with a Barbary horse, is that another euphemism? History be crazy!

Yea, I've read that too...just thinking that if it really was 5 days without any food, he'd seem weaker and, I dunno, more worn out than he looked? Probably a hole in the script

I should show my wife this video. She said I must be having sexy dreams (not about her) to wake up with some lumber. I said of course it was about you baby *shakes head in my mind

Interesting day. We have two Kristens (sp) in two different accidents. One is a deadbeat teen with a phone glued to her ear and another a deadbeat doctor who really loves overpriced organic fruit. Which just goes to show, shitty driving happens to all walks of life named Kristen.

Broken ribs and bruising? Sounds exactly like my last McRib.

I thought it was pretty clear that the Dove was old Broyles?

This assumes that Cecil was right about it being 5 days. He looked pretty healthy and mobile for someone who hadn't eaten in almost a week, subsisting only on water.

I'm glad I don't know any of this, it helps me immerse into the scenes without worrying about movie mistakes. I guess this to computer hackers is like the racing scenes in F&F to me, where Paul Walker upshifts 12 times in a quarter mile - BS I say!

Hah - I love too how Glenn has a shotgun pointed ready to blow the top half of his head off. Boy, caution to the winds in Zombie World, huh?

Check out the fleet of supercars which the One-77 is looking goodness

DAT TEETH. Great screencap, must be the last thing the wolf saw.

Don't care about this movie but Mila Kunis may be the perfect woman. She's beyond gorgeous, and in everything I've ever seen or read her in, she seems really down to earth and cool with a great personality. Perfect! Nod if you agree /nods

"start to make the beast with the two backs."

Ferrari 355. The first Ferrari I truly loved, when everyone else was gushing about the Testarossa. Something about the side scoops, or the quad taillamps set it aside from the 348ts. I'd probably take that for a spin out of all the cars in that video, if only for nostalgia's sake.


I'm trying to place his first I thought he was doing the world's worst Christopher Walken but then I realized, that's just how he talks