
There's nothing polarizing about it, awesome is awesome. Didn't we already have this QoTD and the Charger's ass came in at #3?

How the hell did you crawl into my dreams and take that picture? Stop inceptioning me!

I don't understand how looking at the "worst accidents", the overall survival rate is still that high. Wouldn't the worst ones be the most catastrophic ones, as in total fatality, such as Air France 447, or the Concorde explosion? Are we to think that in those worst scenarios, 76 out of every 100 people survived?

Mm I'd say for many of them, dying on the plane was probably preferred.

I thought she had to wear it? Or maybe I'm just thinking Die Hard 3. Here it just looks like she is just chillin, leaning against a fence.

No, I thought it, but I'm very race conscious. No big deal though, I'm sure it wasn't io9's intent.

I gotta stop watching these reunion videos...dust, eyelashes keep getting in my eyes...

I know right. "This is a serious situation which is why CHEMICAL is in red, tv viewing moron!"

I don't understand why he unloaded then loaded a second time. He can't carry them lying on their side? Has to be standing up?

The pop-up ad mentioned something about taking a Korea Gangham Style Tour. Now my interest is piqued.

What is this phenomenon officially called? And why do we see it in video and TV all the time, but not in real life?

If it'll get me one of these, I will too. And I'm a dude.

Cool stuff. Now it's a fleet of Chargers ready to bust your ass after a night at Pete's Piano Bar. Belt Line suuuuuucks on Saturday night.

I think this is the first Vimeo video I've seen which looks like shit. They've all been artsy, production-value videos.

To what demographic is this ad supposed to appeal to? Hipsters who like to stand naked? People who hate their wives? Reading responses, I think most people here have healthy financial relationships with their spouses, which is a good thing.

You're on Jalopnik on a Tuesday morning, probably at work - I think those 2 min would have been burned regardless? But if you figure it out, let me know, I'd like them back too.

I'd be all over this like a fat kid...well...eating Burger King...

The latest IE and Opera don't work either. I only ever saw the "Add picture" box one time when using an old IE, and it still didn't work there. Chalk it up to Ninja or Kinja or whatever the F we're using these days to comment.

"Cool guys don't look at explosions..."

That is one fine Lambo. I don't usually dig spoilers on the Murc but when I do, it comes in black and yellow.