
In very basic terms, does it matter what the firing order is? Affect performance, MPG, etc? I remember the Diablo V-12 had the firing order stamped on the engine.

Yup, that looks exactly like a toilet I used while on a train in Germany a few years ago. Was amazed that it was just a hole to the outside world.

Climax of trailer looks underwhelming - he's flown a nuke into space and annihilated an entire invading army, and he can't get out of some falling wreckage? Worst case he's dragged down - relax for a sec then blast your way out.

I'm a bit unclear to the storyline so far - not sure if I missed something or purposefully vague:

Ohhh myyyyy! Actually, some Ken Watanabe would have brought more gravitas to the role than Takei.

Yup, pillow, to "end the suffering" was my thought at first.

Everyone keeps saying "because infection from the wound can spread". So, really, the best solution is to chop off his leg? Don't even try to find antibiotics, so leave a gaping hole rather than a smaller wound? Last I checked, infection from a wound doesn't run up a leg within minutes - a zombie virus does. I'm

You ask this like we have a choice? Manuals are going away, and while I get the visceral connection of rowing our own gears, we all need to learn to love the benefits that dual-clutch autos have. I'd drive the shit out of a 458, no manual.

This raging asshole is lucky he didn't get pulled over for driving distracted. You're gonna harass a Detroit LEO for freakin seatbelts?! I'm no fan of cops who abuse their power but less fan of douchebags like this. Do like we all do, stare straight ahead and follow the speed limit, and ignore that the cop is even

A hilarious collision sound, which I can vouch from personal experience does not happen in real life.

Ooh I love me some new Viper, even though it's the posterboy for that dudebro game Forza Horizons

I love this picture. My dog does something similar when I reach for the doggie shampoo.

I have no idea who these characters are, but slutty cosplay makes me want to play WoW for the first time ever

Isn't silicone the present of sex-doll manufacturing? /realdoll

That must have happened before, correct? A car gunning it in reverse and flying off the corncob into the river?

You know how, in the event of a power outage, you can pull the little red cord and open the door manually? Yea good luck here

Hey, I consider myself worldly when I watch these videos, because how else do I listen to Russian pop. By the way, what's the name of those 3 russian lesbians who made a music video of them fellating a lollipop in a car? Forgot, need to re-watch.

One of my favorite scenes in Nutty Professor was when his boss came to him with a bill for a Viper for $50,000. "Well, we can't exactly walk, can we?"

Good job. Nerds can talk lb/liter all they want, all I know is when I had an RX-8 and, very similar to the S2000, was being beaten off the line by minivans, I missed the shit out of torque. Not a problem anymore with my Charger.

At least they didn't shoehorn "Cry" into their name like they always do, and called it Cryface.