
Also his Dad's an old man. Desmond's younger and, armed with the knowledge from Ezio/Altair/Connor he'll be able to fight off whatever's coming. And yea the Assassin's just now got the Animus.

Uh, this is how marketing works. How are the automakers lying to us? Was there some law where BMW stated "325" must always mean a 2.5 L engine? Maybe at first their nomenclature adhered to the engine size, but as the cars got more popular, their marketing rightfully asserted that buyers associated the name with the

You're right, that's pretty ghoulish :) But with a movie like Seven, who can blame ya

Really? Even when Keyser Soze said " I took a trophy...her...pretty...head."?

"Coalescence can be retarded..." heheheh /slowfriday

Why the old Charger? The new style has been out two years now.

I had no idea "Apache" was the name of the song, thought it was called "Fresh Prince Dance"

Two wheels good! Looks like that really is the new Robo suit.

Mustache Dad was a real asshole on 24. But he got his.

Long suffering question of mine: is it legal for bikes to zip inbetween occupied lanes on the highway? I never see it on DFW's highways but on the 405 this past week for work, bikes went in and out like it was going out of style. State-mandated laws?

Ranker? This reads exactly like a Cracked article, down to the picture captions.

Is that even possible? Maglight suppresors?

If they get divorced does the lawyer hold up a RROD?

We all know girls don't play video games.

That's great!

Yea, thank god the women in my life have never "orgasmed" like that. I may have sworn off sex forever.

Sounds like you were in the wrong room last week.


You all saw "Item 47" on the Avengers blu-ray right? I thought that was a fantastic mini-pilot to the TV show.

You mean 006, right? "Closing time, James!"