
You know that feeling you get when you watch a scary movie, and then you go into your dark basement to find something and run up the stairs because all that blackness behind you is going to get you? Except in space, it's not just a basement of terrors, but eternity and all that there is...just behind you in the

It was Le Tigre. The same look? You're taking crazy pills!

I never minded freak of the week episodes, on this show or X-Files. I like arc-based stories like Lost just as much, but FotW eps allowed the to stretch creatively and imaginatively. How boring would this show be without all those weird happenings, and just focused on one overall story?

I could have sworn this list had 27 shows when I saw the title last week?

I almost bought a Mercury because of those commercials. ...not really but, she's hot and is charming.

Why does that Jeep GC look photoshopped in? They couldn't find time to grab one off the lot and snap a quick pic?

These pics are all excellent. Can someone spare a couple minutes though and tell me how to post pictures in a reply?

Haha wow. But wait, the old icon showed 280 as an overpass instead of an underpass?

Very cool. Only one escort fighter jet? Thought they flew in pairs.

Hahah excellent. Do you live on the runway?

If only Apple upgraded iOS6 to brick the phone when it senses someone taking a vertical video...

Better yet, fare share, both parties are happy, save money, ??? profit.

Too much activity is the problem, most people stop in for 1-2 minutes and are out again. I find many examples of shitty/slanted parking and lots of "hold the fuck on, I'm backing up" at my local USPS's.

So do we know why Bugs was actually cutting FL away for? And why he is so happy afterwards?

I used to think "why bother with these 'would you' articles, of course the answer is yes all the time." But thanks for proving me wrong Jalopnik. Because Incest.

If that's War Machine, then why was James Badge Dale being fitted for the armor? Or was that a stunt double/stand in?

He and Cap'n can team up and sell whatever the present-day equivalent of war bonds are.

We've never actually bought her a carrier, just lugged her little crate around when we've done road trips - but we plan to buy one soon to get her acclimated before xmas. She does love her crate so it seems like a carrier should be ok. And yea she's got a vet visit coming up, we'll look into the tranqs.

Yea, good effort, but isn't that horse dance what makes the video?