
She does ok...I'm just afraid she'll get freaked out in the cabin and start barking. I just hear too many horror stories about cargo holds and dogs.

This story makes me sad, because we're going to be flying our little Chihuahua Terrier in the cabin with us this Christmas and I'm already nervewracked - I don't know how she'll be at altitude. I can't fathom her down below in the cargo hold.

A Brake, a brake! Braaake...ohhh it's a shoooooooting brake.......wagon wagon wagon wagon wagon wagon

Can they please plug in the white iPhone? Empty battery bars bother me.

Looks more Aventador than R8 from the ass. Also, makes me miss the Viper tv show.

Why does Audi corporate have to "ask" the dealer to take down the banner? Can't they just exert their will and say "remove the fucking banner or you're done?" Maybe not directly but through the dealer association?

Adorbale. And, not knowing the story behind this, I'm just so saddened that this is the society we've become - film first and get it on Youtube rather than help an animal clearly in distress.

I found that I haven't been steered wrong yet by the showrunners of The Shield. Kurt Sutter's Sons of Anarchy is one of the best shows on TV right now, and The Unit and Chicago Code were cut down in their prime. Makes me excited for Last Resort (and Vegas, because Vic Mackey.)

I did. Which makes me more sad about the (potential) abortion that will be WWZ: The Movie.

There's actually been at least 2 bomb/terrorist scares at the U of T campus in Austin this year, so...yea...

I must have missed this in all the previous articles about this car but $753,180????!? My mouth literally dropped open reading this article. I'll take 7 new GT-Rs and another used 2007 GT-R for that price.

I regret that Facebook culture has made me want to press a "Like" button for everything in life that pleases me, but I'm pressing an imaginary Like button for your comment.

Hear hear. Haters gonna hate but guess what, they click on the titty cosplay articles just like you and me.

Agreed with this "trailer for a trailer" shit. Soon it'll be trailer-ception and we won't know what the f we're watching.

Awesome, more pics?

Where's Superman when you need him? All we hear about is him defeating supervillians and saving the Earth but it's the (relatively) small stuff we need him for, like this.

What particulates are being measured for comparison? Trucks don't run on grease and burgers aren't cooked with diesel fuel? How can "particulate matter" be measured and considered as a negative outcome, then standardized for measurement to a truck output? /refuses to believe breathing in burger air is worse than

When there's a will, there's a way. And unfortunately the angle of those exhausts makes the way pretty easy.

The title should be "Porsche Purists will Projectile Puke when they Peep this Project 911 dually Protected by a Pitbull."

That reminds me of an awful, awful joke involving a girl, a teddy bear and a trunk.