
I hate the existing colorful one, and I see that this is the new Standard, although I'm still stuck with mine for 6 more years. Regarding those, off the TxDOT website,

Does this run aground of that FCC requirement on the back of remotes and other electronic devices, the one that goes "This device 1) may not cause interference and 2) must accept all interference from other sources?"

Taking away tits, that's actually terrifying. NC-17.

So would the child be their own mother?

Is there anything more nut-shrinking than the word "cuckold"?

Who needs the pants off completely when the goods are right by the zipper? And if they didn't have the horizontal bar, it may turn into a Happy Miata/California guppy face.

Coppell High? That's on the way home, BRB

Guess so. Tits! Must GTFO and R-band that shit!

You mean you didn't tear up when she said "i lub yu?"

Girls, when your boyfriends insist on "just the tip", say no "because Death Star."

Such a dick! My only exposure to this guy are these videos...can they make one of him being nice to kids so I have some comparison?

Tall apartment building got you down? Send in Dredd or the cop from The Raid, they have recent and excellent results in clearing apartment complexes with maximum effectiveness.

Hah I thought I was the only one. "Why is he looking at me, and why is he silently whistling? Who does that?"

The camera's doing a weird tilting thing - is that video stabilization or what?

I love that they worked the McLaren "swoosh" logo into the headlights - it looks like the most organic thing in the world.

I love that the banner image has Bugs. Also, this story deserves a Curb Your Enthusiasm ending music.

I don't understand why the real automakers put up with this bullshit. If some random Chinese company can bring a lawsuit against Apple for the "iPad" name and be taken seriously, why can't Ford drop a legal banhammer on that JAC 4R3? The plaintiff's argument would be "open your eyes and look at the fucking thing,

When there's a will there's a way. You clearly aren't lonely enough.

Oh I'm not the OP - just a random grammar nazi. I heard the cry of words dying on this post and had to jump in.

Oh my...that Zombie Strippers looks like a winner. What the heck does she throw on the wall before mounting Freddie Kruger? Can't tell in minimized clip (because work.)