
War Machine is in the foreground. Was there ever a War Machinette in the comics?

Maybe the hair is like, fiber-optic strands, meant for data connection a la Avatar to Stark Enterprises' servers and...ahh I give up, lose the hair and it looks perfect.

One of the other main reasons Amazon is doing this is that they want more of a presence in each state for the mystical "same-day delivery". To do this they need far more distribution centers than they have today. I for one give not a shat for same day, I can afford to wait if that meant I didn't need to pay tax, but

I agree, this looks like it could easily be a guy wearing armor (which is what's happening) vs the big robot man from the 1987 film. Although I do think this is post-robo-copified (?), because of the iconic dome helmet. Which then begs the question, if you're making a robot out of bits and pieces of a man, why even

10/10, would fap again. It would have been awesome if a Gallardo made its way in the pack with a Trollface decal on the hood.

Ok, if we're doing this, the phrase "strike force missions, in which the players action affect the outcome" should either read "player's actions affect" or "player's action affects", depending on if the player has only one action or not. Either way an apostrophe was missed in "players".

Tallest dog, not biggest dog right? Because I swore I saw a Newfoundland once the size of a cow. Its head was bigger than mine.

Further proof that the Decepticons had the most intimidating/fun cars. Also that Decepticon badge is missing its sideburns.

#5 is the first step for me. Why wait? Freak out immediately, get it out of your system, then go to work.

Is that a drive through ER? Why do we in America have to actually walk into the ER like some peasant when we can get drive-in service?

She also needs any other car besides that piece of shit "Jeep."

Reporter: "Has she ever gone around the bus like that before?"

I know nothing about these Phoenix Wright games, only that it seems like a big deal, and that there's always, always someone pointing in a courtroom. Is this an RPG?

At the risk of sounding like a big puss, something about those two (especially combined) takes me past the fun-type horror enjoyment to k-im-done freaked out. I'll watch all other kinds with no problems, but ghosts and creepy kids...*shudder

Ugh, kids and ghosts, my two horror no-nos.

I crossed the images and the joined result was 3D! Am I doing it wrong?

First zombie movies where I felt like I was in their shoes, and felt real terror. Honorable mention should go to Dawn of the Dead remake too.

Wait what? They just leave a life-size replica of themselves and continue about their day? Wish I could do that, there's a ton of meetings I won't have to be at.

That's cool, I never knew they did that. This and the Rumbler makes for an interesting AOTD.

I think there's an app for that?