
See: Larry (now Lana) Wachowski.

The "Like a Boss" toad? That's sad if he was.

"Good luck finding what you're looking for."

I just watched a portion of this at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. They have that actual lecturn in an auditorium there, and standing next to the Saturn V rocket reading about all the Apollo missions is a truly humbling thing. Even more so is the Memorial Grove for those who perished on NASA missions - the

That's what she said.

Way to earn that King of Awesometonia crown.

Yea agreed, like a shitty version of The Ring. I hope this doesn't get pimped by io9, I watched The Divide purely based on the love this site gave that movie and boy, fool me once, shame on me, etc.

Yes, please do. This is stretching the "Babes" definition to a Pedobear-level I'm not comfortable with.

The T-Rex from NFS2! One and only time you drove a dinosaur onto public roads. kind of reminds me of The Pulse, with Veronica Mars. The dead use cell networks and transmissions to come into the world of the living and possess people.

Clean, so clean. Along with Obama/Sarcozy and Miranda from Mass Effect, this truly earns the DAT ASS meme

There's like literally no room for them to land on your lap asking you to buy them a drink. Which I always refuse because I'm a cheapskate :)

Hey, I suggested the "don't show ID" part of #2. No love, Jalopnik?

Gads, this video rewinds me back to 2001. Summertime and I'm heading back to campus towards Ann Arbor, when we see what looks like a black pre-production Enzo on a flatbed in front of us on US-23. We tail it to the city where they pull into the National Emissions test center right off Plymouth rd. We park at a

Don't you hate pants?

How does that whole "I'm my own grandpa" thing work again?

Haha is Deadpool doing the Heisman? Awesome

Is that the Enterprise-E in Star Wreck? What the heck is this film? Can Paramount sue, or is it a parody like a Star trek porno?

Also, I never realized until just now, Mogwai is chinese for "Devil" or "demon ghost". Seeing it spelled out in Chinese helps a lot, I never put two and two together.

No, I'm not...I readily admit I was young and stupid. But this story reminded me of that.